Joey abused Chris

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Justin sat down in a chair next to Chris's bed and proceeded to tell Chris that Lance beat up Joey because he was pissed that Joey was still with Chris. All of the sudden Chris got really sad.

Justin: What's the matter Chris?

Chris: I didn't mean to hurt Joey, really I didn't.

Justin: I know you didn't Chris.

Chris: He hurts me.

Justin: What do you mean? Who?

Chris: Lance does, when you guys were on vacation he left me home alone, I made a mess in his house.

Justin: What did he do?

Chris: When he got home, he was very mad and he beat me so I ran away the next night.

Justin: Where did you go?

Chris: I found Joey's house, when I got to his house I was weak and couldn't stand up anymore.

Justin: I'm sorry.

Chris: It's Ok. I wish I could see Joey.

Justin: I know buddy but the doctor won't let you in because they don't want you to make Joey sick.

Chris: I won't.

Justin: I don't think I should let you.

Chris was about to say something when the doctor came in and told Justin that he could take Chris home today and Chris got really excited then the doctor told him that Joey had to talk to him, so Justin went to Joey's room while the doctor helped Chris sign paperwork. A few minutes later Justin arrived at Joey's room and went in to see what Joey wanted.

Justin: You need something Joey?

Joey: Yes, there are a few things you need to know about Chris, he can't be left alone, ever.

Justin: What? Why?

Joey: Justin, I know you don't want to believe it but Chris is no longer mentally an adult, his brain is only that of a one to two year old little boy.

Justin: If I'm being honest with myself it's because I have always had a crush on the adult Chris.

That's the first time Justin had ever admitted his feelings for Chris to anyone let alone the man that's in absolute love with Chris.

Joey: I'm sorry Justin but the adult Chris we used to know is gone forever. Next, he can eat adult food but he will not eat it unless it is cut up. When it comes to sex do not force it because it will only bring back bad memories.

Justin: What do you mean?

Joey: Chris honey, count to ten again for me. Justin, his parents abused him very badly and I don't mean just hit him.

Justin: Oh my god, I didn't know.

Joey: No one did but me because I'm the one he came to the last time it happened. The day the doctor told us he would never be the same, we cried.

Justin: Us?

Joey: The other guys came to the hospital when I called them. None of us could get ahold of you.

Justin: My phone was dead.

Joey: It's Ok.

Chris looked at Joey and Joey motioned to Chris that he could remove his hands. A few minutes later Joey's doctor came in and told Justin visiting hours were ending so they had to leave and just then Chris started crying, he hadn't been away from Joey for more than a day in three months and he was scared to be away from the man that protected him from almost anything that he thought would hurt him and now he thought he wasn't going to have that protection anymore. Justin helped Chris on to the bed so he wouldn't hurt Joey just then Lance came in and sat Joey's bed up for him then told Joey that he was going in the hall and talk to Justin so Justin and Lance went into the hall.

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