Justin leaves Lance

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Lance woke up to go to the bathroom and he didn't see Justin, so Lance went to the bathroom then he grabbed a razor blade with tears in his eyes and began to cut himself, the first couple stung but by the third cut it felt good so he didn't stop. Downstairs Joey decided to check on Lance because he knew Chris left him, when he got upstair to Chris's room he saw Lance on the floor bleeding and still cutting himself so he went to Lance and took the blade from him and threw it in the sink.


Then he grabbed Lance and ran his wrist under the facet and Lance screamed out from the intense pain he all of a sudden felt. When Joey wrapped Lance's wrists he carried him to his lap and Lance was crying and apologizing.

"I'm sorry Joey they left me" Lance said

"Shh Lance, I'm here now" Joey replied

"Are you mad at me" Lance asked

"No Lance, it's ok" Joey replied

"You like me" Lance asked

"Of course I do" Joey replied

Joey was lying to Lance, Joey laid Lance down and kissed him passionately and Lance moaned, Joey pulled away.

"Ok Lance you need to sleep" Joey said

Lance thought Joey was going to leave him so he stopped Joey.

"Don't leave me" Lance pleaded

"I won't Lance" Joey said

"I'm afraid of being alone" Lance replied

"I know shh" Joey said

Joey wrapped his arms around Lance and whispered to Lance.

"You need to sleep" Joey said

Finally after five minutes Lance fell asleep so Joey carefully got up and went into a spare bedroom. In the middle of the night Joey got up and walked downstairs and Chris was knocking on the door and he was crying, so Joey let him in and sat on the couch with him.

"What is the matter Chris?" Joey asked

"My heart hurts so bad Joey." Chris replied

"What do you mean" Joey asked

"Lance, he cheated on me with Justin." Chris replied

"Oh God Chris, I'm so sorry he put you through that." Joey told Chris

"I can't trust men either I guess." Chris said

Chris started crying again so Joey led him upstairs into a spare bedroom with him and laid him on the bed, Chris looked at Joey with tears in his eyes.

"I like you so much but I'm afraid I will get hurt again." Chris told Joey

"Christopher I would never hurt you, I'm not like that." Joey said

"Will you lay down with me?" Chris asked

"That's why I brought you in here" Joey replied

Chris and Joey drifted off to sleep in each other's arms and a few minutes later Lance saw them and grabbed Chris and started beating Chris up violently. Joey woke up and yelled at Lance then literally kicked Lance out of Chris's house then he turned his attention back to Chris, Joey picked Chris up and rushed him into the bathroom, Joey stripped Chris then put him in a tub of water and Chris screamed out in pain.

"I know it hurts baby but I have to get you to stop bleeding" Joey said

Twenty minutes later Joey got Chris to stop bleeding so he took him out of the tub then laid him on a towel and carefully dried him off then went to get a pain pill and brought it back, Joey lifted Chris's head a little and put the pain pill in his mouth then gave him some water. Joey went and grabbed a pair of his pajamas then came back and carefully put them on Chris and picked him up then Joey laid Chris in bed then got in bed and laid next to Chris and carefully pulled Chris close to him because he was whimpering so Joey told Chris that no one was ever going to hurt him ever again. A few minutes later Chris fell back to sleep so Joey drifted off to sleep. The next morning Chris woke up crying so Joey woke up and asked Chris what was wrong so Chris told Joey. Joey undressed Chris and began to massage Chris's penis and an hour later Chris came and peed, Joey kissed Chris on the lips then whispered in his ear.

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