Chris meets a boy named JC

Start from the beginning

"I want to see you tomorrow if I could?" Chris asked JC

"I would love to see you tomorrow" JC replied

Chris got really excited and hugged JC again then they walked out of the stall and went to their cars then JC drove home smiling, when he got home he went into his house and his mom asked him why he was so happy so he told his mom and she told him to be very careful.

"What do you mean momma?" JC asked Karen

"Honey, I knew Chris's mother before you and Chris were born, we were friends then I moved and she was never the same, I found out Beverly abused Chris's dad and after Chris was born he died one night and once Chris got old enough to do things on his own Beverly was abusive towards Chris" Karen told JC

"So yesterday wasn't the first time?" JC asked

"No honey" Karen replied

JC started crying, he couldn't believe anyone would be able to do that to their own son, Karen wiped her sons eyes and kissed him then she looked at him.

"What momma?" JC asked

"We have to go home tomorrow." Karen replied

JC ran out to his car and drove to Chris's house, when he arrived at Chris's house JC banged on the door and Chris came to the door and saw JC standing in front of him with tears in his eyes, Chris went to pull JC in his house and JC stopped so Chris told him that his mom wasn't home so he walked into Chris's house crying and Chris sat him on the couch.

"What's the matter JC?" Chris asked

"I have to go home tomorrow." JC replied

JC cried against Chris's shirt and Chris lifted JC's chin and wiped his eyes then kissed him, he slowly pulled away, he looked at JC then wiped his eyes again and he whispered into JC's ear and got him to smile then Chris took JC by the hand and led him to his bedroom then shut the door behind him and went to his desk, Chris pulled a piece of paper out and handed it to JC then they went back downstairs and Beverly was their she told JC to leave so JC left and drove back to his house and walked into his house and his mom saw the paper.

"What's that honey" Karen asked

"Chris's email address" JC replied with a smile

A few months later at night JC was sound asleep when there was a knock at his bedroom window so he woke up and saw Chris, he let Chris in and he was very bloody so JC quietly took him into his bathroom and ran bath water for him then was about to go lay down to give Chris some privacy when Chris stopped him.

"I don't want to be alone" Chris said

So JC stayed in the bathroom with Chris while he undressed and took his bath, JC just sat on the floor and tried not to look at the naked man in his tub, finally Chris spoke up.

"JC I don't want to go back home." Chris said

"I won't make you go home" JC told Chris

"What about your mom?" Chris asked

"She won't make you go home, she knows what you have been though." JC replied

"How do you know that JC?" Chris asked

JC carefully scooted just a little closer but not close enough to see anything then he spoke.

"Chris my mom knows what your mother has done to you for a long time she would never send you back to that" JC replied

Chris stood up and JC quickly closed his eyes so he wouldn't see anything so Chris asked JC for a towel so he handed Chris a towel and Chris wrapped it around himself then he got out of the tub and walked over to JC who was sitting on his bed.

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