Chapter Twenty-Three

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"You disgust me." I spat at him. He looked at me shocked, his hand on his cheeks in an attempt to stop me from doing it again. "She's dying and you're being a dickhead. Yet you wonder why she doesn't like you? You truly make me sick."

"He's right." Venus breathes out. She sits up and puts her hands over her blanket. She had scars that covered her forearm and it made me winced. Some of them looked extremely deep and it just made me sad looking at them. "I'm being selfish. But, when was the last time I did something for myself? Everything I do is for everybody. I never do anything for myself. I put people's problems in front of mine because my problems doesn't matter."

"They obviously do, Venus." I take a step towards her and she scoots farther away from me. I know I probably shouldn't have, but I pointed at her scar-covered arm. "You're expressing your emotional pain with physical pain."

She vigorously shook her head no. "This was just a stupid phase I fell into. Middle school bullshit." She mumbles and shoved her hands back under the blanket to hide her forearm.

"We all know that's utter bullshit." Harry says. "Self-harm is not a phase. It takes a lot of self-hate to tear open your own skin. You must hate yourself so much because you've gone so deep you ended up in a hospital."

"That was a mistake I made in 7th grade, get over it." Venus hissed. Wait a minute, 7th grade? She's went so deep with a razor she ended up in a hospital. She was twelve.

"How long have you been harming yourself, Venus?" I ask, swallow the lump in my throat.

"Ever since my mum passed." Venus says, hiding under the sheets.

"And when was that?" I ask, fiddling with the bottom of my shirt and biting my lip.

"4th grade. She was nine-years-old." Harry answers for Venus.

I couldn't take it. I ran out the room and cursed at the constant rain.


It just sickens me and makes me sad. Venus was in so much pain she resorted to self-harm at a very young age. And instead of helping herself she helps others. I don't understand why some people are like that.

Why do people put other peoples problems & feelings in front of their own?

"What happened back there?" Nathaniel asks as he came back. "And don't worry about Dean, he's inside the bathroom just down the hall."

"Venus.." I trail off, shaking my head. "She's dying, Nate."

"W-What?" Nathaniel stutters, his lips turning into a a frown.

"She's dying of cancer and she refuses to get help because she's afraid."



I fiddle with the edge of the blanket as Harry sat in his seat, elbows on his knees with his hands intertwined as he leaned on his hands. He was just staring at me and I was getting extremely uncomfortable. I hate it when people stare at me.

"Go ahead, tell me how much you hate me." I say bluntly.

Harry chuckled lowly and shook his head. "I don't hate you. You hate me."

"Only because you're such a douche." I say, rolling my eyes.

"Must run in the family." Harry says with a smirk on his lips.

Harry's dad ran away when he was only three-years-old. He always plays it off saying 'I don't care' but if you look really closely in his eyes you can see the pain in them. Harry might know me well, but I know him even better.

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