Chapter Three

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"Leave it" Zarah wailed, pushing Uche who was trying to collect her stuffed bear from her, both girls were dragging and screaming as I watched them from the kitchen. My hands were oily from cooking; I would have interfered, by definitely seizing the toy from both girls. I looked away to stir the content of the pot, when I heard Zarah and Uche’s screams become louder than it was I groaned tiredly, it is obvious they were both determined to keep the bear, I hissed softly, wondering where Chinelo and Ahmad are, aren’t they supposed to watch over the girls while I cook, when the wails got intense, I quickly started washing my had to go collect that which was causing a scene. As I got to the door, I saw Ahmad majestically walk towards the two children; he collected the bear from my Zarah and handed it to Uche. I felt a sharp pain piercing my heart.

"Zarah, you’re a big girl, you don’t need toys” he said hovering above Zarah, who screamed and threw herself on the floor. I looked away quickly as I felt my heartbeat increase. I started sweating profusely as tears filled my eyes. Actually this was what Ahmad has been doing. He shows how Uche meant a lot to him. Many a time, he'd see them dragging a thing or the other, he would collect it and give it to Uche, forgetting these things belonged to Zarah from the onset and I bought them myself. The day, I had the audacity to complain, he made look so stupid. He made it look like I was being jealous over nothing.

After the incident from his family house, his stepmother dragged me to her room, suggesting Ahmad had been bewitched. She even went ahead to suggest different methods she feels I can use to get him back. I took her advice and shoved it deep down into my heart with no intention of ever using it. I don't believe in all those things. Ahmad simply fell in love. I wasn't his soul mate anymore, things had changed.

Two months had gone by already. Staying with Chinelo and her child is gradually dawning on me; she's learned to stay as far away from me as possible.  I enrolled my baby in a daycare that's a little out of town, it's close to my office so I would quickly go pick her up, then come back home. The daycare is way safer for my child. With the way Ahmad behaves, I know my child would cry to exhaustion if I leave her with them. I would never subject my child to such an experience. She had done nothing to deserve her being maltreated. Ahmad suggested leaving her home so she'd get acquainted with Uche. I didn't even give it a second thought and told him stark naked "No". Gladly he left it at that and didn't argue with me, besides it is not like he was the one paying her fees.

Ahmad and I became complete strangers, I believe we are still together for old time sakes, and there's nothing like love in our dictionary. I cried myself to sleep within the first month until I decided to be stronger for myself and my daughter. I loved him till he came back. I began losing hope when I saw how he cared for Chinelo. I couldn't understand what she was doing right that I wasn't doing. I even gave up behaving like her to see if it would get her attention but it seemed futile. I am so blunt that I cannot act like someone else. Being me is the best I can do.

Other than Chinelo's little attempts to cause a fight between Ahmad and I when she notices us getting closer, she's not a very bad person. I am the one feeding them, the least she could do was to cook without poisoning me. She cooks terribly and wastes food products. I'd come home to see half the poison she cooked burnt. I don't know what she is doing that she can not simply focus on her cooking. I wanted to complain but decided against it because Ahmad would always take her side. 

I didn't want to upset myself so I refrained from complaining. The first day I complained, Chinelo cried for two hours straight, saying I was being mean because I was feeding her husband and her. As if Ahmad wasn't my husband too. The second and last day, I complained, I lost my cool; of course Ahmad took her side as usual. I woke up so early, but found Chinelo making breakfast, so I took my time hoping I'll eat a good meal but the opposite happened.

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