Chapter 1

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Credits to : Jiuku Entertainment
(Not my story , for offline purposes only)

Anne did was to dedicate three years of her life loving Antonio.Only she knew how intense her love was, and only she knew what she was going through.


Three years ago

On the afternoon of that fateful day, Antonio furiously pulled her out of the office into his car and drove to the underground parking lot.

"Do you think after you drive Stacey away I will now come to like you?" Antonio glared at her with rage.

Anne was shocked, her eyes showing her guilt ... If she had not said anything to Stacey, she probably wouldn't have gone to France.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ..."

Bang! Antonio's fist smashed into the glass window behind her. "You didn't mean to? If this wasn't deliberate on your part, then what do you call this?" Antonio was boiling inside with so much rage and bitterness. He stared, pitiless, at the pale and frightened face of the woman standing in front of him: "You told Stacey you are in love with me?"

Anne instantly turned pale ... Is it Stacey who told Antonio about it?

"I ... I love you, but I haven't been able to tell you..." That's all in the past. If not that her diary containing her secrets and feelings was accidentally found by Stacey, she was prepared to forget what her heart was telling her and forever burry her feelings for him.

Anne was really sincere about what she was saying but Antonio would not hear any of it. He refused to accept that this was all a misunderstanding.

Antonio sneered and interrupted: "So you forced Stacey to leave me?"

"I ..." Anne was speaking, shaking her head, "I really didn't know things will turn out this way."

"You didn't know?" "Antonio snorted, with anger in his eyes: "You did not know, that your diary filled with those silly words about your feelings could make Stacey go away? You didn't know, how your diary managed to get into Stacey's hands? Don't tell me, your damn diary, just landed in her front door! "

Anne thinks for a bit, it's clear Stacey read the diary, but how it managed to land in her hands, she did not know.

"You and Stacey grew up together, you perfectly know how she is most likely to react in any situation?" If she knew you-- her cousin, whom she adores so much has fallen in love with me, she was going to get out of the way so you can be happy, and you knew that, didn't you? So you deliberately made her read that diary so she would leave! You think you can deceive me with this kind of trick?" Antonio roared.

"Anne! You? You love me, my ass! You listen to me, even if you use this despicable means to force away Stacey, I Antonio in my entire life time will never fall in love with you! "

Antonio said matter-of-factly.

Anne's colour changed ... Antonio's harsh words continued to ring in her ears. Even if this decision had been inevitable, even if enough psychological preparation had been done, to hear Antonio say these words to her, Anne could have never been ready enough to bear its painful impact.

Antonio wasn't done with her yet, he wildly tore apart her clothes with rage.

Anne instantly turned pale, "Antonio, please don't do this ..."

"Don't do this? Now you know how it feels to be scared? After using your scheming ways to force Stacey to leave me?" ... Antonio smirked, for as long as he still remembers how Stacey came to him crying last night begging him to be good to her sister, he would do anything to destroy this woman before him now!

And he did.

If I never loved you (author:Qi Laoyou)Where stories live. Discover now