Chapter 56-60

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Not my story, for offline purposes only
Credits to Jiukun Entertainment, author-sama & its translators

That was the only distraction Antonio could think of at this time.

"Get ready," he said. "I'm going to get a fresh basin of water and some towels."

He entered the bathroom without looking back and spent over half an hour inside there.

Anne wondered what he was up to. It shouldn't take him that long to get a basin of water.

Finally, he came out.

"Are you ready?" he asked.

He sat beside her on the bed and dipped the towel into the basin. He squeezed it and rub her hands with it. He did same for her face, neck and feet. He continued until he was convinced she was now clean and fresh.

Through it all, he never for once tried to make advances at her. He behaved like a complete gentleman and didn't even let his touches linger a minute longer than necessary. Having finished with that, he stood up with the basin in his hands and walked in the direction of the bathroom.

"I will be back soon." He told her as he entered the bathroom again to put down the basin of water and the towels.

Anne patiently lied on the bed as she waited for him

He spent another half an hour in there. When he returned, Anne was soundly asleep.

He looked at her face, peaceful in sleep and smiled to himself: "While I was inside struggling to control myself, you are also here peacefully sleeping."

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The day for Anne to be discharged finally arrived.

She had been able to regain some amount of her strength back. But she still needed to get more rest and sleep. With the baby in Antonio's hands, they walked down the staircase into the parking lot. There, Sedem was waiting for them with Antonio's car.

Antonio usually liked to drive himself, but this time around, he allowed Sedem to take the driver's seat.

Carefully, he guided Anne into the back seat, then used the other door and joined her. Having finally settled in, Sedem started the car and they drove off. Immediately, the baby started to cry. Anne was also too weak and exhausted to try comforting the baby. The baby wailed and wailed and wouldn't stop. Antonio did all he could but the baby just wouldn't stop crying. Having exhausted all his options, Sedem in the driver's seat said "Give the baby to me Antonio, he probably doesn't like you."

"Nonsense!" Antonio retorted, "How can my own son not like me? If you think you are so good with babies, there you go, give it a try."

As soon as Sedem took the baby into his arms, he stopped crying. Everyone was astonished.

"You see, I told you so! Sedem couldn't help laughing at Antonio.

"Well, this is just a coincidence," Antonio said. "It's because the baby was already very exhausted from crying when I handed him over to you. That's how come he's finally quiet now."

"Here, hand him over to me."

Immediately the baby was handed back to Antonio, he started crying again. Out of frustration, Antonio gave the baby back to Sedem. The baby probably didn't like him after all. The rest of the drive back home was uneventful.

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Getting to the house, Anne was surprised to see Alice, Terry and Micky, all at the house waiting for her. Alice joyfully came to meet her and embraced her in a warm hug. She was so happy to see her.

Alice looking at Anne noticed that she still looked very fragile and tired. She therefore asked that they be excused so the baby could be attended to, and for Anne to get some rest.

But before they could leave, Terry and Micky looked at Anne and said "welcome back home, and sorry we misjudged you."

Anne was surprised. This was the first time anybody had actually apologised to her for all these past three years. She was so overwhelmed with joy.

"Thank you," she replied.

Antonio had said he loved her, but did not say that he trusted her. "But...... Antonio's best friends, since childhood, through to adulthood and now more like brothers, told her they misunderstood her ... Does that mean that Antonio actually believed her innocence three years ago?"

Sensing her inner conflictions, Antonio took a few steps forward, hugged her and kissed her forehead, then in a hoarse voice said: "Anne, I believe you, I was blind, I had eyes but I couldn't see how sincere and genuine you simply are. Forgive me, I was wrong."

Behind them Sedem, Micky and Terry had incredulous looks on their faces. They all turned to look at each other in horror ... "Antonio apologising? For the first time ever, Antonio was apologising to another living soul on this earth???"

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"Was the world coming to an end?"

While their little charade was still going on, Antonio escorted Anne to her room.

Alice seeing that the baby was still with Sedem said "give me the baby now so I can put him to sleep." To Sedem's surprise, she stretched out her slender arms to take the baby.

"No, the baby will cry ..." He didn't have time to finish his sentence when Alice with an unbelievable grace and maternal radiance hugged the baby to her chest. The baby settled in beautifully and closed his eyes.

"For real? Damn it!"

Sedem was terribly shocked, Alice, carrying a baby? That was unbelievable."

Antonio had just settled Anne into bed when he heard the doorbell downstairs: "Who could it be at this time?"

He was surprised when he opened the. Standing outside were the parents of Anne, together with Stacey.

"Antonio!" Stacey called out excitedly. But Antonio did not even bother to look in her direction.

Anne's father coughed out in embarrassment, and her mother suddenly asked, "How is Anne doing"

"She's inside, getting some rest, she's still recovering." He didn't give any other information about her health.

"Alright then, Stacey, you go inside and check up on your sister" Anne's father said. Stacey immediately made to go in the direction of Anne's room.

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"Stop" Antonio's harsh voice sounded from behind her. "Have you forgotten the warning I gave you?"

Her father was shocked. "But why can't she go in and see her sister, after all her sister just delivered"

Antonio's expression was unreadable as he said "I cannot allow her to be a danger to Anne"

"Danger? How can seeing her own sister be of any danger?"

Antonio was beside himself with anger "Do you even know that Anne doesn't eat spicy food? Or that her favourite colour is white? Do you even remember her real birthday?"

Stacey suddenly went pale with fear. Sensing that Antonio might go ahead and reveal all what she had done, she hurriedly stopped him from speaking further.

"Don't worry Antonio, I won't go and see my sister."

Anne's parents were speechless, but Antonio continued.

"I specifically gave you the address of the hospital when Anne delivered. But did you even bother to come and visit her? No! I had wanted you to come so I personally inform you that Anne is suffering from advanced Stomach cancer"

Her parents continued to remain in shock. Their daughter had stomach cancer and they didn't even know. Even Stacey was shocked by this bit of news herself.

"I, we ..."

"Don't bother to say anything. For the fact that both Anne and the baby are alive is still a miracle. My only request is that, if you cannot bring yourself to love your own daughter like a parent should do, then there's no need for you to ever show your face in front of Anne again. She will definitely get all the love and care she needs from me"

If I never loved you (author:Qi Laoyou)Where stories live. Discover now