"You take him down, I'm going to go and find Colonel Philips" I stated walking past Peggy and Steve, climbing the metal stairs up to the observation chamber that was filling up with officials. "Colonel Philips" I said as I approached him, Senator Brandt standing next to him in a smart and stiff looking suit. "Agent Cooper, this is Senator Brandt" he says introducing me. "It's nice to meet you" he said with a smile, shaking my hand. "Agent, maybe you could tell me why I'm in Brooklyn" he asked jokingly. "We needed access to the City's power grid, of course if you had given me the generators I requested-" he started.

"A lot of people are asking for funds. Oh, this is" Brandt started as another sour looking man came up beside him. "Fred Clemson, State Department" he introduces before shaking Philips hand. "If this project of yours comes through, we'd like to see it used for something other than headlines" he said with a small smile.

Senator Brandt walked over to the window, observing what was going on down below. "Jesus, someone get that kid a sandwich" he said under his breath, all of the other officials moving towards the window as the transition began.

Fred Clemson stayed back, closer to the door than I was. He seemed sketchy but I couldn't put my finger on why. I went to step forward, acting like I cared what was happening on the other side of the glass.
He slowly made his way to the door, opening it slowly and slipping out of it. I took two large strides out the door, letting it fall shut behind me.

I grabbed him by the collar, shoving him up against a wall, pushing my body up against his to trap him between me and the wall shoving my hand up to cover his mouth. I reached to the back of my skirt, yanking out a small throwing knife, holding it up against his neck. I had opted to being something with me to this event, with the amount of strangers that would be around me. "Who sent you?" I growled at him, tilting the knife up to his neck, taking my hand off of his mouth and grabbing his wrist and trapping it between my hand and the wall.

"кто вы думаете?" He hissed at me, I untensed a little bit, still keeping the knife to his neck. He nodded towards his wrist that I had pinned up against the wall, I lifted up his sleeve  to see the classic HYDRA symbol, something most HYDRA agents were branded with. I didn't have one, yet, I chose not to get one when I first joined as I imagined it would be temporary, and I would return to the Red Room , but that part of my life is over. I'm a HYDRA agent now.

"ты здесь, чтобы проведать меня или что?" I sneered, using Russian for the first time in a long time. "У меня есть своя миссия, мне сказали не поделиться" he replied, attempting to move his hand away from the wall. "я не рискую своей миссией спасти твою задницу, если ты получишь медаль, я убью тебя" I said taking the knife away from his neck, I tucked it back into the small pocket I had on the inside of my skirt.

I took my body away from his, leaving him fix the creases of his suit. "не облажаться" I said before reentering the observation chamber, just in time to hear Steve screaming in pain. All of the men where now murmuring between each other.

"Shut it down!" Peggy shouted, gripping the metal railing on the stairs that led up to where i was standing. I rolled my eyes quickly before leaving the room once again, going to stand beside her. I gripped the bar with her, acting scared and concerned for Steve. I basically did the exact same process as he was doing, and I didn't scream like this. "No! Don't! I can do this" Steve shouted from inside the capsule, reassuring us all he was okay.

Howard shouted out some numbers, probably some level of something. Sparks fly everywhere, the pod losing its internal light, the whole room going silent. I looked over at Peggy, concern covering her face. Dr Erskine and Howard ran up to the pod, as they reached it the machine cracking open, shining a bright light in the room.

A new Steve was breathing steadily in the pod, significantly larger than previously. That never happened to me. I looked over at Peggy to see her smiling to herself, before running down the stairs as fast as her legs would go. I followed down after her, reaching Steve who was being supported by Howard and Erskine.

"I did it" Steve said breathlessly, a tone of surprise hinting his voice. "We actually did" Howard said in shock as Dr Erskine pushed Steve off of himself so he could stand up straight."How do you feel?" Peggy asked him taking a step forward, placing a hand on his chest awkwardly before removing it. Steve's body was completely proportionate now, his thin arms now clad with muscle. "Taller" he said with a small chuckle. "Yeah well you look taller" I said with a smile turning to Dr Erskine.

"You did it, this is amazing" I said amazed, before he could say anything back to me the glass covering the observation chamber shattered in an explosion. The hydra agent grabbed the last vial of serum down on the experiment floor, lifting a gun and shooting two bullets directly into Erskine's chest.

"Stop him!" he shouts as I hold him up, Peggy lifts a gun shooting it directly at Kruger, but somehow he dodged them nothing hitting him. Erksine's legs buckle from under him, I laid him to the floor, Steve kneeling down beside us. He pokes Steve in the chest twice before his breathing hitched, and he died.

"Steve go, help Peggy" i told him as Peggy chased after Kruger, weaving in between all the ruckus of officials and scientists freaking out. I stood up, reaching under my skirt to pull out the gun i had tucked into my suspenders. I shot twice up at the observation chamber, the gun shots echoing through out the room, causing silence to fall.

"Colonel lead the Senators out of here, I'll hold the fort down" I said lowering the gun. "Howard!" I shouted through the bustling room as everyone was running towards the exit. Stark popped out from behind a machine, clearly hiding from the action. "Was that the last vial of serum?" I asked him as he waked over to me.

He nodded his head frantically. I swore under my breath, slightly aggravated at the pitiful distraction that Kruger had created. "We should get back to the SSR compound, Stark. Peggy will know to take Steve there, that is if he isn't dead" I said raising my eyebrows, keeping the cold gun in my hand.


A/N: so I had the idea about the HYDRA branding but I didn't want to rewrite earlier chapters about her getting her brand so that may be a later chapter so sit tight
I really have nothing else to say so thank you for reading and please favourite and comments and all that jazz

A/N: so I had the idea about the HYDRA branding but I didn't want to rewrite earlier chapters about her getting her brand so that may be a later chapter so sit tightI really have nothing else to say so thank you for reading and please favourite an...

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