"Fuck. no way, do you think I can bypass them? Remember, The mist arcobaleno is there and the Varia mist guardian."


"Dont you understand or your brain dont function anymore. The Varia brat has a hell ring and the mist arcobaleno is the holder of the mist pacifier, it'll be troublesome for me."

"How pathetic"

"I dont care about what will you say, I dont have any death wish"

"Tsk, fine, I'll just do it since your a coward. I'll just bug the whole school."

"Go. And die in the process too, it'll help me"


Yuni touch her face, it's been so so long since she see the world, its all black now.

She remembered the maniacal laugh, the sound of chains, the pain, she couldn't help but cry, she couldn't see anything for now and she feel helpless.

"Shhh, Yuni, Yuni, please dont cry."




"B...B-Byakuran...I'm sorry, because of me..."

Her words is jumble, she couldn't talk properly as her throat hurts too and raspy, while she couldn't see, Byakuran is lying in the ground, couldn't move any muscle.

His conditions is pretty bad, his wings is forcefully torn from him and he suffered injuries that will leave a mark forever.

His flames is taken away from him too and it hurt a lot, his life force is being absorb and he is bleeding badly, his body is covered in blood and bruises.

'I need to stay alive, this is the last cycle, I don't want to see her die again and be reborn to just repeat the same mistakes'



Yuni panick, she couldn't see but she knows Byakuran just cough blood! Her tear increase, she tried to slowly touch the ground, moving forward to locate Byakuran.


"What are you doing, ojou-chan~"



Yuni couldn't move. The fear is eating her, she didnt notice, felt the presence of the man.


"Too scared to answer me huh~? Oh well, let's start mother session, Ne?"

Yuni scream.


[Arcobaleno room]

Luce drop the paper she's holding, surpring the others.


"What wrong Luce?"

Luce stare at the space, the arcobaleno automatically straightened, Luce is like that when she is having a vision and most of her vision is not pleasant.

The arcobaleno shared an eyes contact, they know shit will happen soon.





"G....G-guys...prepare for the upcoming ranking tournament, we'll have an unwanted visitors"

Looks like chaos likes to follow them, oh well, if the chaos likes to follow them, then they'll just embrace the chaos with open arms, after all, it'll be boring without it.

"Luce, what will happen?"

"Chaos will happen, this is where the real fun will start"

"Heh, then no holding back for me, kora!"

"It'll help me a lot of data"

"I'm not paid enough to deal with them"

"Fufu, a storm will come"

"Also, Skull-chan, can I request you to inform the cloud guardian of Giotto? Alaude"

A moment of silence.

"Luce, are you planning for the lackey to get killed. Not that I mind it"


"That not it Reborn, Skull is a cloud and so is Alaude, they'll get along fine"

The others deadpan at her, seriously? Clouds are territorial, they don't want another cloud in their territory as they dont like crowd and prefer to be solitude or alone.

"Skull dont act like a cloud, and she knows how to stay quiet so they'll get along fine"


In the end, Skull couldn't say any in this matter.

Until The end. [KHR FANFICTION]Where stories live. Discover now