Chapter 8 Team Thirteen

Start from the beginning

"Are you okay?" I ask Eleanor, even though she clearly wasn't.

"Not really," was her answer. This was the side of Eleanor that I didn't know. She was always the girl version of Louis. Funny, sassy and a whole bucket of attitude. But now she had mascara streaks running down her face and breathed unevenly from crying.

"Let's go inside," I suggested.

"Okay," was what she managed.

"Zayn! I'm taking El in for tea!" I shouted. He nodded in reply and got back to whatever he was instructing.

Eleanor first went to the bathroom to fix the smudgy makeup. Meanwhile, I set the kettle that I found in the many drawers to make tea. I hummed a random melody softly whilst doing so. She soon emerged from the bathroom, looking better than before. But I could tell from her random intakes of air that her emotions were still out of control. The kettle started to whistle, so I started making the tea. Once I was finished I handed Eleanor a mug -that was all I could find- and sat next to her on the barstools.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" I ask, sipping my tea.

"Do you wanna know?" she asked. Still, the witty comebacks were there even though she was emotionally unstable. I would've rolled my eyes.

"Honestly, I want to know. But if you don't want to talk, I understand," I said.

"You know you're the only one who actually seems curious about the past life of everyone, right?" 

I chuckled a little. "Dani said the same thing."

Her eyes became distant, as if going back in time. "I was born in seventeen-ninety-two, right after the war had ended. July sixteenth. It was a hard time for everyone. I was the only child. But by that time, women went to school and such. So by the time I was eighteen, I could go to college. I didn't though. I actually only went to college recently," she said.

"You did?" I ask. I might still be able to live a normal life.

"Yeah. University of Manchester," she said. "I'm twenty, Harry. I missed out on so much in life."

"I'm only eighteen," I said, defensively.

"Yes, but Harry you can go back to life you were living. The life I was living is gone. It's been gone for over a century."

"My life was horrible though."

"I understand. My life wasn't so great either."

"What happened?"

"Dylan was my fianace. I had gotten cold feet though. But he was much too clingly and over-protective."


"I was a model for Hollister once," she said with an empty laugh.

I laughed too, but for real. "Oh yeah? How did that go?"

"I ended up you know.... Getting hungry.... And the manager was just so...."

I almost doubled over in laughter. "Then why did you get so emotional over the new vampires though?"

I chose my words carefully, hoping she wouldn't break down. "I had a bad experience as a new vampire."


"Yeah. You see, neither Zayn, Liam or Danielle changed me."


"Yup. It was Dylan.As crazy as it sounds, Dylan changed me into a vampire, right after I had run from the chapel. Then he left me on the streets, in absolute pain. Then I had a run in with Emma."

"Like delusional physic Emma? Weird nutty Emma?"

"That's the one."

"What happened?" I asked looking straight into El's brown eyes. She looked straight back.

"You know on your neck you have a scar from when Louis bit you?" she asked.

"Yeah." She rolled up the sleeves of her shirt, revealing many many scars that looked like the one on my neck. "I'm so sorry," I breathed.

"She had this gang of a bunch of random people. They were new vampires, I could see the blood lust in their eyes. All of them bit me, and let me tell you it was painful. They didn't suck my blood though, that would've been nasty."

"I'm sorry El."

"It's okay. But just whenever new vampires come up, tramatic memories pop into my head."

"So... How did they find you?" Even though no names were mentioned, she knew what I was talking about.

"I was just wandering the streets one day. I had been a vampire for about a century. It was a very long, enduring century, but I was still okay. Not in great shape, but still a vampire. It was Dani. She was shopping in the same store as me, and we had bumped into each other. It was about to be a cat fight, as vampire are very territorial. But Liam found us just in time. What he was doing in Hollister, I don't know. He thought that I should join them, and I had no better choice. At first Dani and I were still mad at each other, but only for a couple months. Maybe even less. Once we realized that we were the only girls, we stuck together. Now we're attached to the hip."

I was amazed by her story. She had suffered, alone, for a century. By herself she managed to stay a vampire. There were so many complications though! 

"El, what about powers?" I asked.

"My powers? Well, I didn't come across them myself. For a whole century I didn't even know I had powers. Can you believe that? My powers were actually really hard to come across because I didn't know I was doing it, and the victim didn't have the slightest idea either."

"So how'd it happen?"

"Well, I used it without knowing on Zayn and Liam noticed. Liam notices everything," she said with a whole hearted chuckly.

"You can say that again," I said. My tea was cold, and tasted bad. I just dumped in in the sink, not wanting to drink cold, tasteless tea. "You ready to go back?" 

"Yeah, I think so," she said. We returned to the backyard, finding that everyone was still training. Eleanor looked a lot better. I sat back down in the spot I used to be sitting at.

Louis walked outside of the house. I smiled to myself. Maybe Louis could finally be mine.

So.... That was that. But what did you guys think of El's story. I didn't actually mean to put two of the character's story's so close together, but I needed something else to put in this chappie. 

If you didn't know, I'm holding a contest! Woot woot! If you didn't see the post, here it is:

I just got an idea. A contest idea.

To all of you who are fans of my writing, I'm asking you a question. I can't seem to find a good name to call all of you, so can you help me?

Find a nice name to be called as a fan (my awesome fans :D). You know like a Directioner, Rusher, Lovatic, and Selenator. See? I'll judge all the names on August 17th, 2012. By the end of the day Friday, there's going to be a name.

If I like your name the most, I'll give you a dedication in VA AND SF. Then when I take MMFIL and TBP off hold, I'll give you a dedication in that too.


1... 2.... 3.... 7!

There it is. You can also comment down bellow, post on my message board, or send me a private message. Whatever suits your fancy.

Now, because I'm in such a good mood, no vote goal! But that doesn't mean you can't vote, lovelies!


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