Photoshop.....I mean shoot

Start from the beginning

"Whatever" I laughed.

"Cmon on let's go in." she said, grabbing my hand.

I walked along with her and went in.

She giggled and blushed when we were finally inside.

There were alot of couples and alot of girls here.

"Guys actually come here?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah" she smiled.

"Why is it so pink?" I asked. I felt some type of way, being here.

"Because we all  know best favor of fro-yo is strawberry. And they have Mochi!!!" she said getting more excited.

"What the fuck is Mochi?"

"It's like a small, round, sticky frozen Japanese ball of awesomeness"

"Sounds great" I said sighing. I don't even like sweets like that.

I guess this is the shit I gotta put up with now.

We finally got to the front of the line and I let her order since I didn't know what the fuck it was gonna be like.

"Can I get the mango, strawberry, and green tea icecream Mochi? And two green teas?" she said.

The cashier rung her order up.

I handed her cash and told her to keep the change.

"I have no idea what you just ordered" I laughed following Niali.

"Wait don't we have to wait for it?" I asked seeing her go to a table outside.

"They're gonna bring it to us." she answered.

"But they didn't even get your name"

"The screen that we walked up to took a picture of my face so they can just find us like that" she explained.

"I can't wait til the day robots take over" I sighed.

"Then there won't be anymore of us" she said playfully pouting.

"There's always gonna be an us" I said making her smile.

"You promise?" she said.

"I promise" I held her hand. "Sorry to interrupt you but here's your order" the waitress came and sat a plate of weird looking food in front of us. There were tiny forks next to it.

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