Chapter 2

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Ermine sank in her seat. It was bad enough her father was one and she's half blooded werewolf but now she had to learn about it. "this sucks" Ermine muttered. Mr. Burns' greyish blue eyes focused on Ermine, "then you know of werewolves and their myths. Care to share some knowledge with everyone else". Isak snickered, "go on, Ermi, master of werewolves". Ermine signed heavily. She got up from her seat and almost shuddered as everyone looked at her, "Well there's the basics, werewolves are called Lycians. They say werewolves die from silver but it's just that it hurts them and paralyzes briefly.... Blue moons cause extreme blood lust and full moons are mild lusts, but they can change anytime especially when threatened. Can I sit down now?". Mr. Burns nodded. "Everything was correct. Great job, Ms. Ashenbert..." He turned to erase the board. The class bell rang which meant class was over. "Alright, see you all again Thursday" He said opening the door. Ermine and Isak came out along with the wave of students. "Great job, Ms. Ashenbert. You're the queen of Lycians. By the way truly amazing last name, Ms. Ashenbert" Isak teased. "Oh but I rather your last name, Mr. Otto. Imagine. Ermine Otto and Isak Ashenbert" She teased back. "I can always marry you so you're Mrs. Otto" Isak said. Ermine blushed looking at Isak. He was serious and his pine scent turned to a spearmint one which Ermine liked more strangely. "Uh..." She fiddled with her hair, dropping it from the ponytail to her shoulders. As Isak moved closer, the redness on Ermine's face increased. "Uh?" he whispered in her ear, "I was joking, Ermi. But thanks for that cute reaction". Isak took a big distance away from her. Ermine sighed, calming down her cherry face, "Right. You surprised me there". "Sorry, Sorry. Thought it would be a laugh but guess not..." Isak rubbed the nape of his neck.  His scent fell weakly which meant he was either sad or depressed. Ermine stopped him. Isak looked at her, "hun? Ermine?". "If it makes you feel better, I wasn't rejecting the offer honestly. I was just surprised you said it all of  a sudden" Ermine smelled the scent get stronger and she smiled. "I feel so honored, Ms. Ashenbert but after that "uh?" , I will not be courting you anytime soon" Isak joked, bowing like an english Lord before her. Ermine chuckled, "okay. I deserved that,  Lord Isak".  He nodded with a smile, his hand on her back pushing her to the next class.

They sat through all classes and joked inbetween them. Now the dismissal bell rung and they had went on the bus. This time Dean and Josh stayed far away from Ermine. She smiled at the body guard napping at her side. Then she paused. Now I understand what these girls find attractive.... He's just easy going and maybe sorta hotErmine thought as she looked over him. "what?" Isak asked opening his eyes. "Just trying to unravel whether you're sorta hot" Ermine replied frankly. He sat up interested, "and?". Ermine's pale ice daggers stabbed him. Isak looked down, "well then". Dean and Josh was heard snickering since they were eavesdropping and found it funny. "And I decided Isak Otto can go in my Hot list" Ermine smiled with delight at Josh's tantrum. "I don't get what goes on in your mind" Isak smiled devilishly at the same thing Ermine was. "Don't bother trying to figure me out. That would ruin the charm" she teased before exiting the bus. I knowIsak thought with a smile as he laid back watching Ermine run up her steps. Ermine opened the door then flopped on the couch. "No homework and nothing to do. I am so much fun" she scuffed. Ermine flipped the channel to Cartoon network and fixed herself a bowl of Coco Pebbles. She sat watching Adventure time. There was a knock on the door and she sadly had to put down her bowl. Ermine was surprised to see Isak holding her grey hoodie. "I wanted to bring a glass converse but you only left this on the bus" Isak smiled. "Sorry, prince hottie, I put up my glass converses a long time ago but thanks" Ermine opened the door wider, "would you like to come in and chill? I got bootleg Coco Pebbles and Adventure time playing". Isak started to walk in, "Heck yeah. You had me at bootleg Coco Pebbles". Ermine nodded, going to the kitchen to fix him a bowl as well. She joined him, giving him the bowl of Coco Pebbles. "Thanks, mate" he said taking a spoonful of Coco pebbles. "No problem, mate" Ermine said reuniting with her bowl with glee. The two of them spent the time happily watching Adventure time, Regular show, teen titans go and the other shows on Cartoon network. Ermine laid against Isak's arm, closing her eyes.

The branches on trees snapped rapidly. A predator was in the mist of the full moon, It lurked breaking twigs with its strong steps. Then it grew absolutely still. It's blue eyes piercing through the leaves of a bush. It had found its prey, no, its food. A tall blonde stood at a tree lonesome. The beast approached slowly. The blonde whipped his head to face the creature. His mint green eyes clouded with fear. "...Ermine?" he muttered shaken. The creature pounced onto the blonde. "Ermine!" he screamed as the midnight claws dig into his flesh...

"ERMINE ASHENBERT! WAKE UP!!DON'T MAKE ME KISS YOU!!!" Isak shouted. Ermine jerked awake surprised. "Sorry, I fell asleep on you" her face grew paler as she brushed back her bangs. "That's fine but you started to scratch me" his hand rubbed the red and slightly bleeding claw marks. "I'm so sorry. I'll get my first aid kit" Ermine headed to her upstairs bathroom. She laid her head against mirror, "the same dream again...". Ermine  sighed grabbing the kit and returning to Isak. She sat next to him, lifting his wounded arm. Ermine quickly rub alcohol which made Isak wince in pain and wrapped it in a bandage. "You're really good at this. did you play sports?" Isak examined her work. Ermine shook her head no, "just accident prone". Accidentally get attacked by hunters prone that is, She thought. Isak nodded, "Well thanks for sharing delicious bootleg Coco pebbles and for chilling with me but it's about time I head on the old dusty trail". Ermine chuckled, "of course, cowboy. Anytime you're back in this here parts give me a holler, ya hear?". Ermine walked Isak to the door, opening it for him. "sure thing, miss" Isak started to head off but stopped at the top step. He turned around to face Ermine again. "hm? forgot something?" she said. "Yeah, I did" he brushed Ermine's bangs up and kissed her forehead. Ermine slightly blushed. "Now I feel complete... Oh and remind me to give you my number tomorrow" Isak walked off with a grin. Ermine stopped, savoring the moment with a huge smile. "God bless that stud" She chuckled before heading inside looking at the full moon.

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