It's Us And Only Us: Dongjun

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"Pretty name for a pretty boy. My name's Junhee, nice to meet you, again," Junhee smiled holding out a hand. Donghun scoffed and took his hand, shaking it.

"What's your major?" Donghun asked trying to start a conversation.

"I'm taking psychology as my major. What about you?" Junhee sat on the island counter in front of Donghun.

"Psychology? That's cool. I'm taking Korean language and literature," Donghun took another drink of his beer.

"You want to be a writer?"

"I don't know, honestly. I like it but I don't know if I want everyone to see my work. Do you want to be a therapist or something?"

"You should let me read something of yours. I mean, to be a therapist is the plan but psychology is hard," Junhee tittered.

"Maybe, maybe I'll let you. You can do it, how many years do you have left?"

"I'm finishing next year. When are you done?"

"Today was the last day so I am done today, now I just need to figure out what to do. I have a job that pays the bills. I just don't know what to do now, it's like high school all over again," Donghun cocked his head. Junhee was silent for a second then spoke up.

"Well at least you have time to go find a girlfriend and hang out with your friends," Junhee said finding positives. Donghun shrugged.

"I guess you're right. But honestly, I don't want a girlfriend," Donghun sighed and Junhee lifted his eyebrows.

"You want a boyfriend? I mean, unusual but I'm not one to judge."

"No, I mean I'm not looking because it just seems like too much work to be in a relationship."

"You've never been in a relationship?" Junhee asked finishing whatever was in his cup. Donghun shook his head.

"I haven't, I've been too busy with school."

"So that means you've never kissed anybody either?"

"No, no, I have," Donghun laughed. They talked about themselves and asked each other questions. At the end of the night when Junhee decided to call it a night they exchanged numbers and went their separate ways. Donghun was pleased he got to know "Mr. Grumpy Pants". When he got home he texted Junhee asking if he got home safely, Junhee replied with a simple 'yes, good night <3'.

A few years down the road, Junhee had finished his schooling and became a therapist and as for Donghun, he became an author. They had work to do but they still hung out, went to bars, stayed at each other's houses, went to cafés, and even just drove around late at night and talked. They had grown incredibly close until the day Junhee got himself a girlfriend.

Junhee stopped hanging around Donghun as much and always bailed on their plans. Donghun was hurt because when Junhee bailed he decided to go by himself and saw Junhee and his girlfriend hanging out. This went on for months until Donghun couldn't take it anymore and phoned Junhee until he answered his phone. "You're a real asshole, you know that?" Was the first thing Donghun said to Junhee.


"You're an asshole, Junhee. All I want is to hang out with my best friend at least once a week or even once a month. But all you do is bail on me for her. We haven't seen each other in months , I miss you, I miss my best friend," Donghun's voice was venomous as he spoke through the phone. He heard a sigh on the other end.

"I'm sorry, Donghun. I've been a terrible friend, haven't I?"

"Yeah, you have."

"Let's meet for coffee tomorrow before I leave. How's that?" Junhee asked. Donghun was silent for s moment.

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