Prelude: A Rose as it Stands

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A frost clad breeze snuck through the window of a snow covered home, ruffling the baby blue curtains to hide the main figure of our story. The protagonist that currently sits to her cream kitchen table, awaiting a call to action. A being contemplating a purpose, her petals shifting with each sigh of the wind. A coral complexioned hedgehog with glistening emerald orbs and an innocence that reaches into your very soul and turns you over until you fall to your knees, under her unintentional spell.

A rose, at the beginning.

The cleanliness of her tinged yellow kitchen did nothing to withstand her dreary thoughts, her solemn expression doing it's best to remain bubbly and optimistic, but failing with every fiber of it's being. On a normal day her kitchen would blossom with it's bright hues of yellow, blue and pink, the atmosphere tainted with the smell of cinnamon and pumpkin spice. Music would spring from even the darkest crevices of the room, unable to hide once she infected the kitchen with her natural voice and light. But although the scent was there, the atmosphere remained flat, only the odor of empty left in its wake. The sunlight was muffled by the endearing clouds, willing to darken the day more if need be.

She shifted ever so slightly, her dark jeans wrinkling under her. She brought her fingers to intertwine with one another on the tabletop, the sleeves of her cream shirt falling over her hands. Her grey socks adorning her feet, quills grown to mid back, left ear twitching with silver studs in them, she busied her mind with excessive thoughts.

And whom, you ask, is she thinking about that has her mind in such deep an ocean?

Well, who else could it be?

You guessed right. The one and only...

Sonic the Hedgehog.

But what was he doing that could make a rose such as this one shed her petals at such a tormenting pace such as we see here?

It's not what he's doing, but what he'd done. Three years ago, to be precise, on a day such as this one, but with much more hope, he'd mistakingly hurt her.

It began with a picnic.

It was a harmless picnic, hosted by the rose hedgehog herself. She was a teenager of fourteen and had wished to casually dine with her friends after an odd peace set over mobius. Eggman had not engaged in another plot to conquer their world, so all was quiet and remained at rest as our heroes healed mentally and physically from the consistent fighting.

A checkered red and white blanket was spread out across a patch of grass cleared of the snowy invader, supporting the weight of six mobians, the seventh sitting a short ways away against a tree. A delicious spread of food was laid out before them, consisting of bread, bagels, pastries, sandwiches and various finger foods. Next to the blanket was a kettle heating over a fire, preparing hot chocolate for the picnickers to enjoy. The heroes, clad in warm clothing, laughed at the present conversation as the sun warmed that february day, revealing itself from its cloudy hiding place.

A red echidna, his mouth stuffed with bread, tried to speak to his white bat companion on his left side. She chuckled at his idiocy as he tried to get his point across with his mouth full. As he tried to swallow he chocked, earning concerned glances from the females on the blanket, but the males only laughed to the point of no return. A cream colored rabbit handed the echidna a bottle of water and once he was able to use his voice once again, he growled with frustration and threatened to beat his male friends to a pulp. They quieted down, but remained in high spirits, unperturbed by their red dread friend's threat, but unwilling to further his anger.

But the blue hedgehog muttered a rather... offensive comment about the echidna under his breath and the threat came to life. The echidna chased the blue blur around the picnic blanket, the yellow-orange kitsune speaking common sense aloud in hopes it would reach his quarreling friends and stop their insistent fighting. Our rose protagonist giggled at her friends playful nature, picking up a napkin filled with foods as she stood and walked over to the figure sitting against a nearby tree.

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