Harry extended his hand for Draco to hold. "Come on, Draco. Don't be a chicken. It will be fun, I promise."

Draco hesitated at first, but then he took his hand. Both of them stumbled for the lack of balance, but they were able to get on the lake, eventually.

Harry guided Draco as they skated their way towards  one of the shores, where they made their first stop. "Was it that bad?" Harry asked, grinning widely. But when he looked at his boyfriend he couldn't suppress a laugh. Draco showed the angriest death stare ever. 

"You're joking, right? I risked falling on this stupid ice, I look like a freaking monkey with this walk and I'm afraid we'll drown into the freezing waters of the lake!" Draco whined, this only made Harry laugh more. "What's so funny about this?" The blond boy asked in a semi-infuriated tone.

"You're just so unbelievably cute, all angry and unexperienced." Harry said, wrapping his arms around his lover.

 Draco sighed, then he hid his face in Harry's shoulder. "I suck at muggle things." he said.

The black haired boy suddenly twirled him around, making a circle in the ice. Draco had to hold on to him to avoid falling head first into the ice. "Are you out of your mind?" he yelled. 

"Come on, who cares if you suck at it, this is just so fun!" the Gryffindor said. He took Draco's hand back into his and skated all around the lake, clumsily making pirouettes and tricks, all while a stumbling Draco kept screaming, but he slowly turned his scream into a laugh.

Not much later, Harry fell, thus dragging his boyfriend along with him, who fell on top of him.

They both laughed hysterically.

"I told you it wouldn't be that bad." Harry said, after the laughter had died down.
He extended his arm to get his glasses, which had detached themselves from his face upon impact.
"Oh, shut up!" Draco said, slapping his face lightly.

 Harry pretended it hurt. "Ow!"he said, but he giggled right after.

 "I hate you, Potter." said the Slytherin, biting his nose. That made Harry grimace. 

"Will you stop hurting me?" Harry whined, making a puppy face.

"Ugh, you know I can't stand this damned face of yours!" Draco said in a fake angry voice.

"Which face, this one?" Said Harry, maintaining his puppy face.

Draco let out a sigh of frustration mixed with a squeal, then he planted a kiss on his lips.

Only minutes later the pair was able to at least sit up. That's when Draco remembered that he had a question to ask him. "So, as you know, Christmas is close." he began, although he thought that what he had just said sounded a bit dumb.

 "Oh, about that!" Harry said, remembering something. "I've been meaning to ask you... will you spend Christmas with me at the Weasleys'?" he asked.

That was not quite what Draco expected. The Weasleys weren't so fond of him, to say the least. Arthur Weasley had his fair share of discrepancies with Lucius, so he didn't think that he would have welcomed him into his home with open arms.

"The Weasleys? Oh, but... you know that they don't exactly love me..." Draco answered.

"But, they're like my family! I'm sure they wouldn't mind. I know that there's always been a lot of hate between your family and theirs, but hey, it's Christmas." Harry explained, but Draco wasn't convinced just yet.

"I don't know..." The blond boy said, looking away.

"Look, you're free to choose. But I would love to spend Christmas with you. I could stay here, but I already promised Molly I'd go..." Harry said, looking at him with pleading eyes. 

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