He smiled at me before planting a soft kiss on my forehead and bidding goodbye. As he said those parting words, I internally freaked out. I didn’t want him to leave me at a time like this. I needed him. I want to be with him.

He turned around and reached for the door when, by instinct, I grabbed his arm and dragged him back to me, hugging him from behind.

“Don’t… Ju-Just stay here… stay here please…” I pathetically pleaded for him not to go. I can tell he was surprised by my action and looked back at me with a slightly astonished face while I returned a tear-eyed pleading look.

“Hitomi…” he uttered, closing the door behind him and hugged me back. “Okay…” he agreed.

The next thing that happened, he carried me bridal style and brought me to my bedroom and lay me on my bed, telling me to rest for a while. “I’ll go make dinner for you, if that’s okay. Take a rest for a few minutes before taking a bath okay? Eating dinner with a refreshed body is the best” he smiles at me. I couldn’t even determine if that was a perverted remark or…

Either way, he left me in my room for a while that was pretty lonely. I want him to be with me but if I tell him just to cuddle with me in my bed, then I would’ve sounded too clingy on him.

I sighed and didn’t even listen to Himuro by waiting for a few minutes before taking a bath. I grabbed myself a pair of fresh underwear and some shorts and a big shirt then entered my bathroom.

I stripped off my clothes and rinsed myself with the hot shower as my bruised covered skin moistens. Seeing them made me feel weak and useless. Am I going to be rescued forever? Will Kensuke and Mayu treat me like a battered child for the rest of my life? Was I this weak?

I couldn’t understand why; but neither will I allow it to continue like this forever.

I finished and got dressed and ruffled my hair with my towel, drying it. Exiting the bathroom, I sniffed a scrumptious scent of food being prepared. I figured it was Himuro’s doing since I recall about him being a good cook as mentioned by Mayu.

I reached the dining room where I saw Himuro already preparing dinner. He looked at me as I flinched looking way with a blush.

“Umm… you can take a shower if you want… Though I forgot to ready the bath for you…” I informed him with a monotone voice. From the corner of my eye, I can see him smile and said a thank you.

“You can eat now, Hitomi. Dig in before the food gets cold” he informed me, placing down the kitchen utensils. “I’ll go take a quick shower then I’ll join you” he smiles at me.

I nodded curtly letting him walk pass me as I head to the table where he placed 2 table sets.

Well eating without him would be lonely so maybe I’ll make tea while I wait for him. There was a carton of tea powder up the cupboard that I used in making jasmine tea for both of us. While heating up some water, I saw the bag of cookies I brought with me earlier, and wondered why it was on the counter.

Wait, did Himuro bring this?

I stared at it for a while and gasp when I saw it open. Did he taste it? Ah crap, it must’ve been those dudes who rescued me earlier and found it on the floor then brought it to the clinic too.

This is so embarrassing. I don’t even know what his reaction was — or maybe an adorable expression would appear after he tastes them – I doubt it though.

I sigh, opening up the package and pick up one piece of a cookie crumble, staring at it on my finger. I was about to taste it myself when I heard the bathroom door open and out came Himuro – and his sexy figure – with a towel hanging around his neck while drying his hair with it.

Now we both have towels with us. Matching, ne?

Slowly, Himuro walked over to me, while giving that dull stare that made me nervous for some reason. There were a few feet between the stove and I before he reached out his hand beside me and – turned off the stove where I was heating the water for my tea.

Himuro smiled at me. “Your water’s done. Perhaps, preparing tea with us would be nice?” I gulp and nod my head at him before turning around to face the stove my back facing his chest. I can feel his breath hitched at the crook of my neck causing me to clumsily carry the pot to the counter beside. “You okay?” he asks as I almost dropped what I was holding. He was about to help me when I snapped.

“I’m fine! I can manage, jeez, don’t you think I can do things on my own? I’m not fucking five!”

It was quiet after that. I did successfully prepared tea for us but the whole of that was silence. We ate the food he cooked then placed the dishes on the sink. He offered to wash it for me but I told him I’ll finish them all tomorrow.

The cookies caught my eye when I put the leftovers in the fridge. I walked towards them and nibbled some of the crumbs.

“It’s not that bad…”

I flinch when I heard Himuro comment from behind. He’s still here?!

Well no shit Hitomi you pleaded him to stay. I face palmed internally on how stupid I get.

“They’re pretty sweet actually” he continued, walking over to me and trapping me in between his body and the counter. He reached behind me again, taking the pack of crushed cookies and taking some and putting it into his mouth. I stared at his lips before meeting his eyes again. He smiled – “You’re so cute” – then kissed me again.

This time, my eyes closed on their own. He cupped my cheek once again, tilting his head to the side to gain more access.

We stayed like that for a good few minutes until our lips parted with a puckering sound. It made the both of us chuckle.

“I think that’s enough for today” he says as I nod approvingly. He carried me bridal style once again then went to my room and put me on the bed again.

“Are you going to sleep with me tonight?” I blurted out of nowhere getting an amused smile from him. “Th-That isn’t what I meant okay?! Like just – oh god, stop thinking perverted!”

Himuro laughed at me. “I know what you meant. But is it really okay for you?”

I huffed. “O-Of course it is. I sa-said I l-love yo-you didn’t I? Be-Besides, I feel comfortable with you around so…” This embarrassing. This is the end of me.

“For the first time, you were able to bring out your true feelings. I’m proud” this guy…

“Shut up! Go sleep on the sofa you idiot! If you don’t want to cuddle beside me then fine!” I shouted pulling the covers on me.

“No, no, I’ll take the offer” he suddenly agreed to what I said and lied down beside me. “You’re really cute when you’re embarrassed”

“Shut up…” I blushed, burying my face on his chest as he wrapped his arms around me again.

This day didn’t end so bad after all…

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