Rules seven and eight and joining a rebellion.

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Yes Hello_Im_Crazy279 (god I was about to press the wrong person's name oh god that'd be so awkward) you clearly know my story telling because you guessed the next rule.

I sit at the home economics classroom, slowly pulling out my book. Childcare. Awesome.

"Sorry class but our year has changed. There has been a decision that you can't learn to take care of kids."

I drop my book on the floor, loudly.

"I have so many things to say against that," I say.

"Same," Token says.

He sits across from me. Okay Ky, keep it cool.... keep it cool, come on, he's just a really nice boy you have a crush on-No, bad!

"Also, rule number seven has these books banned."

Each table gets a huge, like ten page, paper on which books are banned. Stan immediately takes it and starts looking through, hitting his head on the table.

"Well my favourite is banned," he says.

Oh fuck.

"Oh," Bebe lets out from the other table.

She stares at a page, fully done with life.

"How is how to kill a mockingbird banned?"

Nichole and Token have the same exact reaction that, they both take the papers to check.

"That's not the only one. Pretty much every book I know about the nazi's isn't here," Nichole says.

Token puts the paper down and I take it from him. Mom wouldn't do this! She has always wanted me to educate myself!

"Oh shit," I let out.

It's true.

"Wait. Let me see," Wendy says.

I give it to her. She goes through it in thought.

"What do they have against holes?" She asks.

IT'S BANNED?! That book?!

"I know right. It's literally my favourite," Stan says.

"Well that's not a surprise," Wendy says.

I laugh at these words.

"Kids," the home economics teacher says.

We look at her.

"How many of you still want to learn this?" She asks.

Most of the class raise their hands.

"Alright then. Chapter 19," She says.

"Isn't that technically against the law?" I ask.

"I'm not taking a whole new generation of people with no idea about life!"

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