Chapter 34

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Peter walked into the top floor of Oscorp tower apprehensively. These days it felt strange walking into that place. Harry Osborn, his only friend aside from Gwen, lived here. Harry's father Norman, at the same time, was the man Peter suspected of unleashing neogenic crazies into the city of Manhattan.

He felt especially strange being there now. He partially wanted to see Harry, and but he had another reason. He wanted to see if he could find anything suspicious about Norman Osborn.

But first...

"Hey Pete," said Harry, strolling in from the other room. "How's it going?"

"Fine," said Peter. "Just fine." That was a lie though. That social worker who had dropped by was on his mind all the time well as his duties as Spiderman rounding up criminals with superpowers.

Man, Peter Thought, being two people really stinks.

He didn't let what he was thinking show. After all, he didn't want to worry his friend.

"Ready to hang out?" asked Harry excitedly. "I just got the latest Halo game, chips, and pizza's on the way."

"Sweet!" cried Peter. "I am so ready! Games! Pizza!" Harry turned to the giant widescreen TV and Peter added under his breath, "A bit of snooping."


"Spiderman will inevitable start snooping," said Beck. "If he's going to prove that our Mr. Osborn is up to anything he will need evidence. That will be our first chance to disgrace him...and direct any accusatory attention away from our employer in one fell swoop. Any questions?"

In the warehouse Felicia and the enforcers listened to Quentin Beck's plan, all of them dressed in bath robes, as they would be changing into their new gear in a moment. The warehouse even had small room for just such a purpose.

Fancy Dan's hand shot up.

"Yes," said Dan. "How come a girl is going to be our Spiderman double?"

"Miss Hardy," said Beck. "Is a skilled gymnast, a style of acrobatics that is closer to Spiderman's powers than...say...your parkour abilities. Don't worry, my illusions will fool everyone, and Miss Hardy has been studying Spiderman's movements...haven't you?"

"I have," she said stoically.

"Very good," said Beck gleefully. "It's time to get started."


"Let's get this party started!" said Peter as he and Harry started playing their game. As Peter played he was a little distracted. After all, he needed to think of a good excuse to slip away so he could get into Norman's office. He felt a little low thinking about spying on his friend's father, but he had no choice. However, if he was distracted then, he was even more distracted when Harry spoke.

"So," said Harry. "Gwen called and said this lady showed up at your house. What was that about?"

Peter died in the videogame a moment later. He expressed his displeasure with an irritated groan.

"Sorry," said Harry nervously. "Wrong time to ask."

"It's fine," said Peter as he respawned. "You should probably know anyway."

Peter filled him in about the social worker. Harry looked at Peter open mouthed for a moment.

"Seriously?" said Harry. "Someone thinks you, of all people, are in the wrong family? That's twisted."

"Yeah," said Peter. "Tell me about it. So what if I'm the one taking care of her? Who else does she have?"

Harry was silent, and then said, "Yeah. You're Aunt doesn't deserve that. I can think of other guardians worse than her."

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