Chapter 7

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Captain Stacy Paced back and forth outside the surveillance van. He looked up and saw that the building was very tall, despite its age, and would be difficult to attack if it came to that, but waiting didn't seem like a good option either. Captain Stacy had just talked with the kidnappers, and their demands didn't make any sense. The negotiations had started the usual way.

"Let me make this clear," the leader had said over the phone. "Send in any cops and I start killing hostages."

"Alright," said Stacy, trying to keep him calm. "I understand. No cops. Just tell me how I can help."

"I'll tell you my demands when I'm ready," and then he hung up.

It had been an hour, and nothing. Stacy didn't' like this. Their demands, or lack thereof, didn't make any sense.


The hostages, a group of people in the corner, sat shaking while the gunmen, wearing black masks, kept their assault rifles trained on them. The apartment was like every other room in the building, run down and old. Also all the windows were barred, which made it a good place to keep prisoners.

Or set a trap.

The leader stepped into the bathroom for some privacy and removed his mask to reveal Dmitri Smerdyakov, the Chameleon. He put his fingers to a hidden receiver in his ear and spoke.

"Are you certain about this?" he asked.


"Of course," said Kraven atop a nearby building. "When hunting, good bait is always appropriate. Hostages that need rescuing? He'll be here..." suddenly he made his hyena like grin. "Speaking of which, here he comes. Be sure to get everything ready. I'll be inside momentarily."

And sure enough Spiderman was swinging towards the scene.

And with that Kraven made his way down a nearby alley with some impressive acrobatic leaps, moving towards the building that the Chameleon was held up in.


"Roger that," replied Chameleon.

He put his mask on and re-entered the room, proceeding to have his men escort the hostages to the elevator. Meanwhile, right out the window the Chameleon could see Spiderman swinging towards the scene. As he got into the elevator he couldn't help but think that he'd like to see how this fight would turn out. At the same time he looked at the bared window that had been left open. As the elevator closed he noted the electronic device wired to the bars, pleased that it seemed to be operational.

The trap was set.


Captain Stacy watched as Spiderman swung to an open window the captain hadn't noticed before and climbed in. Captain Stacy thought that strange. Why would the suspects leave a window open like that, especially with someone like Spiderman prowling the streets?

Stranger still the hostages starting running out the front door.

Captain Stacy was astonished! Why would the gunmen take hostages only to let them go? He doubted they had given up when Spiderman arrived. It was too easy, and he wasn't ready to order the rest of the cops inside just yet...

And then it happened.

The open window suddenly closed, and sparks flew from the bars of the windows all over the place, making the cops and bystanders watching jump. Nothing seemed to catch on fire, but that wasn't the primary problem here.

Captain Stacy stared at the building, thinking. Could it be? Had they...electrified the windows? Is that why they didn't need the hostages anymore? They had pretty much trapped themselves inside with Spiderman, which couldn't be a good move unless...

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