Chapter 31 - You Owe Us

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Hydra Base Tarmac, 1500 hours

Specialist Tucker was the first of the Space Dogs to arrive. She was early, as she likes to be. The past few days made her a bit anxious. She didn't know Blue-Ray for long, but he started to grow on her. She didn't know Captain Tang at all. She didn't even know how he looked. But Blue-Ray was tall, blond and handsome. He was somewhat charming in a boyish way. Now that they were missing, she realized how important they were to the Hydracorps and how much she wanted to get them back. Who knows what ordeals they have had to endure?

She thought about the last exchange she had with Ray and the witty remarks they made back and forth. She usually didn't like to tease, but he made it so much fun. She could tell that he liked it too, so she didn't feel bad. She did hope so much that she would have the opportunity to spar that way with him again.

The rest of the Space Dogs started to arrive with their gear. Two other soldiers arrived in a vehicle with Ka-Rhin, the Alien from Nisthura. He walked freely among them, though he did not have a weapon. The soldiers made sure theirs were at the ready, even if the alien appeared peaceful.

When the whole squad had gathered around her, they made their way to the Governor's cruiser, fueled and ready just outside the hanger that housed it. Lieutenant Lita Joshi, Blue-Ray's ex-wing man, was standing outside near the boarding ramp. Amanda expected to see her, but it didn't prevent her from feeling a little bothered. She was kind enough and lovely. Amanda could tell that Lita had a thing for Ray, and did not want any trouble. She had no idea why Ray and Lita weren't together and why Ray was pursuing her, not Lita. Maybe that's why she felt a little uneasy around the Lieutenant. Besides, Lita Joshi was an officer, and there was no reason that the Lieutenant would feel threatened by a Space Dog.

Just as the group got within twenty feet of the ship, Colonel Hand descended from the Cruiser ramp. He was alone and also dressed in camouflage. Amanda had no idea he would personally lead the rescue mission. She figured that this was no ordinary rescue mission. This mission was of the utmost importance. Though she was new to the Strolla System, she felt honored to be chosen to be among them.

It was true that Lopez was there too. She had heard that he was a competent soldier, though she did not like him personally. She hoped his abilities in the field would compensate for his weaknesses in character. All in all, she was excited to have her first off-planet mission.

She noticed Colonel Hand's attention turned toward the officer's quarters. Amanda turned and saw Major Lee, her superior officer, and two pilots flanking either side of him as they made their way toward the assembled group. The pilots were in full flight gear and arm communicators that all personnel wear when on a mission. They must be coming with them. She felt proud to be part of this assignment. As they got close, she noticed that the bald man was a Captain. That would make him Captain Andrew Barns. He was a squadron leader and would be Ray's replacement if he didn't come back. The other man with Major Lee was Lieutenant Manuel, Barns' wing-man.

Everyone naturally assembled around the Colonel.

The Colonel was a man of few words. This time was no exception. His speech was sort, informative, and to the point. Anticipation was high.

He began by making sure everyone could hear him outdoors on the tarmac.

"Very well," he started while gauging the volume necessary. "You've probably heard, in our first foray into the Precanus system, and unknown enemy alien fighters attacked our ships. Captain Tang's Hydra fighter destroyed, and he is assumed dead. Before losing Major Soliski's comm signal, he reported that his CS4 was damaged. He planned to use his cockpit boosters to outrun them and set a course for 'The Food Planet.'

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