Chapter 29 - Making Friends

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Terra date: 21-10-2201 1300 Hours

Nova Station

While Lieutenant Lita Joshi was getting everything ready on Hydra for the mission to The Food Planet, Marcus was getting hungry on Nova Station. Though he did not sleep well again the night before, he didn't feel tired. Marcus focused on what he could do and tried not to worry about things he could not control. Instead, his mind focused on the attractive comm officer he saw in Victor Belter's recovery room. Marcus even went as far as to look up her file before turning in that night. He liked what he read and was impressed with her credentials.

On Nova Station, where there were less than 300 people at any given time, he knew his chances were good that he would see her again. He hoped to get to know her a little better, personally. When, that morning, he spotted her sitting alone in the central station cafeteria, he felt drawn to her table. He thought it adorably quaint that she was reading from an old-style paper book. He tried to remember when it was the last time he had ever seen one. He wondered why she didn't upload the text to her reading device.

She didn't look up as he approached. She was engrossed in the book. It did, however, give him a chance to admire her form and posture close up. She had wavy auburn hair framing her face. She wore the Nova corps skirt uniform, and he liked her femininity.

"Mind if I join you?" he asked.

She looked up from the page she was reading and, on recognizing him, offered him an enchanting smile.

"No," she replied, motioning to the chair opposite hers, "I don't mind at all."

"It's Sue Park, right?" Marcus replied, smiling back as he laid his tray down and prepared to sit.

"That's right, Commander," she confirmed.

He hoped that she would be able to chat. All she had on the table was a cup of tea. He thought that maybe next time, he would get lunch a little sooner. He decided to start the conversation off with a common denominator.

"Mr. Belter seems to be in much better spirits considering what has happened," he noted.

She nodded while she put a bookmark at her page and closed the book. She was now able to give him more of her attention and said, "I suppose so. Though I think he is still dealing with it."

It was clear to Marcus that this girl was compassionate, and it was a good look on her.

Marcus nodded in return. She picked up her cup of tea but still held the book in her hand. He started in on his lunch as she took a sip.

"We haven't been formally introduced," he said. "You're one of the new controllers, aren't you? There's probably not much to do now that the gate is closed."

Sue smiled at that as she took another sip of her coffee. Then she set it down.

"Oh, don't worry, they're keeping me busy," she told him and gestured out at the asteroids grey pockmarked regolith and stars beyond the window. "Since I arrived, I've already been to Hydra and back again twice. As you know, I arrived yesterday morning with Mr. Belter from Hydra on the med shuttle, and that threw my whole system off. This afternoon I have to report to communications. So, I'm not just sitting around."

He started to realize how tight of a ship Dr. Mallak's deputies ran. Nova corps was efficient. He didn't want to sound patronizing, but she didn't seem defensive either. Regardless, Marcus acknowledged her workload and replied, "Of course not," just in case she thought he was.

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