Chapter 11- Wounds

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Sorry! Went on vacation, and was unable to update T^T Here you go, finally. I apologize that it's a little short, but hey, it's something!


I stared at the feather with wide eyes. I slowly picked it up. I knew whom it belonged to. Only one boy in the entire world had this feather. Before I knew it, I screamed his name.

“JAKE!” I quickly clamped my hand over my mouth, and looked around to see if anyone heard me. I waited, but nothing made a sound.

I took a deep breath, and looked at my feet. I need to find him. So, trying to keep my stomach down, I slowly began walking between the bodies.

I didn’t know if they were alive, or dead. I noticed something on one guards face. His wound... Three slashes across his face. They weren’t human. I backed away, my head snapping around, wondering if the beast was still around, waiting for easy pickings.

I tripped over a body, and fell back. I lay on my back, tears coming to my eyes. I curled up in a ball, and started to cry. Why? All these people dead, probably because of me. My tears rolled down my face, and a sob racked my body. Something took my hand.

“Don’t cry, angel.” Rasped a voice. I looked down, to see Jake lying on the ground, covered in blood, smiling sadly.

“Jake! You’re alive?” I cried, wiping away my tears.

“Alive? Why don’t you tell me? Take me away to Heaven.” He smiled, tears making tracks in the dirt and blood on his face.

“Take you away? Jake, what are you talking about?” I asked, my smile fading.

“Only an angel can posses so much beauty.” He said, still smiling as he touched my face.

I took his hand. “Jake, it’s me! Mia! Remember?” I could feel my tears coming back. Doesn’t he remember?

“Mia... That name... Sounds so familiar.” He frowned. The way he was talking... I quickly placed my hand on his forehead, only to find he was burning with fever.

I started to panic. I looked at the rest of his body. Covered in dirt, his shirt was soaked in blood. His left wing was at an awkward angle; a welt was above his right eye. My hand shook as I lifted his shirt. A long scar stretched across his stomach, slowly oozing blood.

I gasped, and could feel something traveling up my throat.

“Pretty bad, huh.” He whispered. “I’d be happy to die. I’ve protected my family... Well, some of it. I would of liked to see my sister...” His eyes were glazed over.

“No. Jake, please don’t.” I whispered, swallowing my sick.

He turned to me. “What are you going to do, little angel?”

“Fix you.” I said, tears rolling down my face.

He smiled a sad smile. “I don’t want you to be disappointed.”

“I won’t be.” I said, and I looked at his wound again. With all the dirt, it could get infected. It needed to be cleaned.

"How?” I thought miserably; then it came to me. The pond! But how would I get him there?

“Jake, can you stand?” I asked.

“Stand?” He frowned.

“Yes. Come on.” I slung his arm around my shoulders, and my hand around his waist.

He softly laughed. “Little angel, you won’t be able to lift me.”

“I don’t give a damn. I’ll die trying.” I growled. He laughed softly again.

“I’m going to have you help me. Get on your legs.” I whispered. He got on his feet, and I straightened up.

A moan from Jake made me panic.

“Jake? Are you okay? Do you need to sit down?” I said, putting my other hand on his chest, to keep him from keeling over.

“Will you keep me safe?” He panted, putting his arm around his stomach.

“I’ll... I promise.” I said.

“How... Far?” He gasped out.

“Five minutes North? Can you handle that?” I asked.

“I.. Think.. So..”He panted.

“Right. Let’s go.” I said, and started to try and walk in a direction.

“North is this way, angel.” He whispered, and tried to pull me in the other direction.

“Whoops. This was then.” I laughed a little, and supported him. When we go to the forest, he suddenly cried out, and fell down on one knee.

“Jake? What’s wrong?” I asked, immediately going down with him.

“It hurts.” He groaned.

“I know, but we’re nearly there, I promise. Hold on just a few more minutes.” I nearly pleaded.

He looked up at me.

“Little angel. Take care of me.” He whispered, and, with my help, stood back up.

“Wouldn’t think of anything else to do.” I said.

We hobbled along for a bit. I could hear the water.

“Nearly there.” I breathed. He was heavy, and my muscles were starting to shake. When we came to the pond, I breathed a sigh of relief. He fell down next to it, panting hard.

“Thank... You..” He whispered.

“Don’t thank me yet. Now let’s have a look at that scratch.” I said, also panting. He’ll be safe, I promised myself, but a small voice told me otherwise.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2012 ⏰

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