Chapter 3- The King

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Noticed I haven't been getting a lot of feed back lately from people I don't know. PLEASE tell me what you think of the story! It would be AMAZING if you did! Thanks!

Your Author, Erin.

I awoke to Fay shaking me.

“Miss? Miss? It is morning. You must get ready to meet the king, Miss.”

“Am I home?” I asked, groggily.

“Miss, you are in the castle, remember? Ster- two guards brought you here, Miss.”

I got up, filled with despair. This isn’t a dream, or a nightmare. This is real. I felt tears in my eyes.

“Miss, this is no time to despair on things of the past! We must look to the future, Miss!” Fay said, desperately.

“Yes, you are right. What do I do to get ready for the king?” I asked. I was astounded that Fay was so inspirational for a ten year old.

“You must first pick a dress. I think this green one will go well with your eyes!” Fay brought out a dress, and smiled. It was the first time I had seen her happy.

The dress was perfect. It was a lovely forest green, with golden trim. The sleeves were long and made me feel like a princess. Fay smiled. She brushed my hair until it was as soft as a kitten. I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror.

“You look beautiful, Miss!”

A banging came at the door. Fay gasped and ran to the corner.

“You may come in.” She stammered.

The door unlocked and two guards with helmets came in, one short, one tall.

“We are here for the lady. His Majesty wishes to see her.” I recognized the voice as Baul’s. I walked towards him.

“I’m ready.”

We walked down a long corridor, with pictures of a handsome young man every five feet. I tried to stay away from Baul, but I kept tripping on my dress towards him.

“Fay dressed you well.” Said the taller guard.

“Sterling!” I grinned, and then blushed.

“She is my younger sister. She works here to pay for our mother’s injury.” Sterling said, looking down.

“She is doing a good job.” I put my hand on his shoulder.

He smiled.

“You are like a sister to me as well. It’s weird, I just feel protective of you”

I blushed a deep red and looked away.

We got to the end of the hallway, and there were tall doors. They were a beautiful, dark green, with gold trim, just like my dress. Engraved in the doors, were wild animals that I had never seen before. Unicorns, griffins, and dragons surrounded a tall tree. The doors opened at led into a beautiful throne room. It was large and open. A long, red carpet led up to some stairs where was a golden throne.

There, seated on the throne, was the most ugly man that was ever born. His face was huge and misshapen. Boils were all over his face, and the few greasy strands of hair he had were combed over his bulging face. I gagged at the sight of him. He frowned.

“Who is this girl you bring to me?” He said, loudly. Despite his appearance, he had a lovely voice, like silk off a spool.

“This girl we believe is the one who will break the spell, Your Greatness.” Baul said, bowing low.

The king frowned again, making several of his boils pop; the fluid ran down his face, and onto his clothing.

“Come closer, girl.”

“My name is Mia Stardiff.” I said as I walked towards him. I don’t know why, it just seemed polite.

“Is that the way you talk to royalty?” He said, indignantly.

Great. He was a stuck-up douche-bag. I’ve seen his type before back on Earth.

“Forgive her, Your Highness. She is new to our customs. “ Sterling stepped up.

“Shut-up. You are the one whose brother is that cursed Winged One. He is the leader, isn’t that right?”The king sneered.

Sterling took off his helmet and tucked it under his arm.

“Yes, sir. My brother was . . . Cursed.” He spat out the last word.

“Hmf. At least you don’t have any.”

“Sir? Why is it bad to have wings?” I asked.

The king stood up.

“The wing curse came up about seven winters ago. A young boy had small, black wings,” My heart jumped. Black?

“This boy was rude, and different from us. Therefore, he had to banished.”

I heard Sterling exhale quickly.

“But, just because he looks different, doesn’t mean he is bad.” I said.

The king glared at me.

“I grow tired of this. I will see her tomorrow.” He waved his hand.

“No, you listen to me! Just because someone looks a little different, doesn’t mean you can just throw them out!” I walked up to the king.

He frowned.

“Get her out!” He yelled.

“No, you stuck-up little snot! People deserve to have equality! It’s common rights! No wonder you were cursed, you ugly bitch! You can’t even run a country properly! Why are you king!? These people deserve something- no, ANYTHING better than you!” I yelled back at him.

“I told you to GET OUT!!” He bellowed, and grabbed me, and threw me out the window of the castle.

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