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Zainab's point of view
Here I was again watching the same drama over and over again. I don't think I'll ever get tired of it to be honest. It's a Korean drama that I've watched many times and it's called descendants of the sun. When I was about to turn off my tv my roommate which also is my sister came in. "Zainab you should go to bed it's really late and you have work tomorrow." She told me while closing the windows in my room. She's like the mother I never had. My mom  died when giving birth to me and my dad left us a year after that. At least he left us with my auntie and not on our own.

"Zainab are you listening to what I'm saying?" My sister asked while she was walking towards me. "Yes I heard you Aisha, I was about to turn off the tv anyways."
"Ok goodnight." She said and walked out of my room. I went to the bathroom before I went to bed. I fell asleep almost straight away since I was tired.

"Zainab wake up you are going to be late for work!!" Shouted my sister from down stairs. "Yes I'm coming." I'm so sleepy i don't want to go to work but i need to support my sister  and myself.  I don't have any other siblings than Aisha. When my mother died my dad  was depressed for a long time and I think that is the reason he left us or at least that's what my auntie told me and my sister . I work in a pastry shop 3 days in the morning and sometimes after university. My sister is a maid for a wealthy family. I feel bad for her because she told me that she wanted to see the world and that she wanted to pursue a career in photography but now all of that is ruined because she has to take care of me and that's why I have work as well.

I'm going to be late now for work my boss is rude i don't like him at all but who am i to complain.
I think everyone needs to be happy with what they have Alhamdulilah other people can have it more difficult than we do.
I stood up and went to bathroom, brushed my teeth and washed my hair . I put on my clothes and hijab and went downstairs. I started wearing the hijab when I was 10 years old. My auntie and sister taught me a lot about the Deen and I'm thankful for that and everything that they did for me "What are we having for breakfast Aisha"

"I made us pancakes" My sister is so nice I'm happy to have her by my side. "did you eat?" 
" Yes i ate when you were sleeping, but i need to go now or else i will be late." She gave me a hug and left.
I ate my food quickly, took my bag and put on my shoes. I closed the door behind me went to the bus stop and waited for 10 minutes​ before the bus came.


When i arrived at the store my friend Asmara came  running and dragged me into the store.
"You were almost late!!" She said
"Calm down it's not that of big deal , you are over reacting" I said to her
I know its big deal i can't  get fired because i need this job but i just wanted her to calm down. "I don't want  you to get fired, you know how mean our boss is. said Asmara
"Ok i will come on time from now on"

I started preparing the pastries and decorating them i really liked doing this . While i was doing that Asmara came to me and said " Zainab the guy you like came  " I looked at her and said: "I don't like him. she kept looking at him and said "Do not talk a lot and go ask him what he wants"
"why me?" you can ask him yourself"
"No he is yours" what is this girl talking about i don't want to ask him does she even how scared i am i like Anas but i just don't have the confidence to talk to him even though I'm a social person. Anas is the guy that I have liked for a year now. He always comes to buy cakes for his little sister.
"Nothing is going-----
My boss  interrupted me and said
"you are not here to talk but to work and Zainab you need to deliver this birthday  cake to this address ." Yes sir I'll do it now" "No you'll do it tomorrow of course you'll do it now" he said sarcastically. I never knew what his problem was. He's angry all the time for some reason.

I went to deliver the strawberry cake to the costumer, while i was crossing the road a car came out of nowhere and the cake fell out my hands. A guy came out of he car. He was so handsome. He had the kind of face that stopped you in your tracks when you are doing something. I guess he must be used to that.           
He had dark brown hair, which was thick . His eyes were a mesmerising deep ocean blue, flecks of silvery light performed ballets throughout. His face was strong and defined. While i was staring I noticed that he was looking at his Car while mumbling something that I couldn't quite understand. Then I came back to reality and realised what he was saying."it's good no problem"  he said , while he was looking at his Car!!
What the hell how can he do that. I got angry and said "Careful how you drive you almost hit me"
" Of course you were the one who was standing in the middle of the road" He was going to his car and said "Be thankful that nothing happened to this car"
Omg what's wrong with this guy the only thing he cares about is his stupid car.

"The car? You think about your car when you almost hit me."
" Are you aware of how expensive this car is." I don't care how expensive his stupid car is.
"Listen even if your car got damaged i'm not the guilty one you are"
"You shouldn't be walking in the middle of the road but on the side walk." This guy was pissing me off.
"What kind of human being  are you? You are not even apologizing" i said angrily.
"You are the one who should apologize , come on apologize I'm in a hurry"

He started to walk away from me when I said that I wasn't going to apologise to him.
"Hey you can't just leave like that, you haven't even told me you name yet! I shouted after him. Does he really think that he can get away this easily? Someone has to explain to my boss what happened to the cake and I'm going to blame him obviously.

"Ridwan!" Was the only thing he shouted back he stepped into his car and drove away. I hope I never see him again.

While I was going back to the shop I got a text message from an old friend.
Zainab he's back was all she said and I couldn't believe it. This is not happening again!

Hey everyone, I hope that you guys liked it. Don't judge this my first story ever. ❤;-)


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2018 ⏰

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