geez your so lazy!

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3rd pov

You sit there Blake slightly chatting, between her and poison you really had no friends here at all so you got to know blake some more, the ship like as Blake is quickly waving bye and leaving as you follow you smile 'maybe this place won't be so bad'


I jump back as the two girls in for the of me explode but a white tendril shot out of my hand and gaurded them both

Y/n: oh no damnit poison

He retracts as everyone stared at you two anxiety creeping over you, panic creeps up your back and everyone crowds asking questions about it all including a little girl in a red cloak who has you by the collar pulling you from the crowd as you stand there in a daze

Ruby pov

Geez to have that power this guy is pretty clueless I snap my fingers until he comes back to reality

Ruby: finally now what was that power!?

He looks around nervosuly before speaking in laid back town

Y/n: um my semblence?

I'm not convinced that wasn't a semblence couldn't have been not to mention this guy has no weapon and semblences have limits

Ruby: not fooled

Y/n: heh worth a try well can't tell you the anwser sorry

He walks away catching up to a black haired girl and talking with her

Y/n pov

Heh 'nothing get's past blake' I thought as I'm instantly bombarded with questions I just smile and pat her head again
Of course poison jumps in my head saying

(Poison): this one has hormonely feelings towards you not even 30 minutes and you've got a female crushing

I blush and look forward Blake notices and gives me worried expression I shrug it off giving her a warm smile as we enter the entrance ceremony and we begin to examine everyone around I jokingly say to Blake

Y/n: alot of over the top weapons here huh?

She nudges me

Blair: says the one with no weapon heheh

I chuckle and continue listening I fell alseep standing up hallway through until Blake woke me up

Y/n: huh? Whazup?

Blake: there calling teams out dork listen closely

I roll my eyes listening in as he names are called for team rwbyy
I think....oh shit as Blake gets giddy punching my arm excitedly I smile and act excited too as the rest of our new team gathers around then she catchs you a blonde girl with eevyhting going for her

Yang: heyya new team let's start this thing with a pfft Yang

The rest of our team rolls our eyes as the red closkedgilr from before again questions me as I just give excuses non stop then Yang wraps her atms around ek rubbing my chest

Yang: such a handsome guy on our team were so lucky~

My face burns up as she laugh at my nervous nature and I just puff as I get control

Ruby: stop being weird yang!

Yang: but he's so cute!

Blake is puffing obviously jealous at yang I pat her head yet again I think thats turning into our thing
Your smile at her and she hugs you ubruptely hissing at yang to which yang replies

Yang: awe don't be mad theres plenty of him and go around

Y/n: oh boy....

I roll my eyes as we're told were sleeping here tonight I pull out a sleeping bag and lay it down as I lay on it smiling I pull up my scroll just scrolling until balke scoots up slightly beisde me and taps my shoulder

Y/n: hm? Yeah Blake?

Blake: you just weren't talking I thought something was wrong

I give her a smile she smiles back lays down next to me she reads her book and *sniff*

(Poison): horomones there coming from the girl she is aroused

I blush taking a look over to her book and what i see hits me...Ninja's of love and she's getting off to it...right next to me... she sees me looking and closes it quickly blushing...I chuckle lightly and she begins giggling we laugh together for a bit before heading to sleep


Well getting clsoer to her aren't ya?

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