The soldiers would come and talk to me after I'd finish singing and I'd play along with whatever they'd say, for them later to be found dead wherever they'd be staying in France, say a hotel room or an apartment.

I was never questioned to be the so-called "murderer" of these nazis and that's how I never got caught.

The american and british army did know of my little escapades, because of the fact that I'd been visited by a charming british soldier and also an attractive american soldier.

They'd both came to my bar one night in SS uniforms and spoke to me afterwards, leaving me to lead them on, as I didn't know at the time that they weren't actual SS officers. We all left and they took me to a nearby hotel in which they were staying in and that's when they started talking to me in english.

The american soldier informed me that I was being roped into an operation only known as "Kino" because I was so good at what I was doing and it'd be a good idea for me to be in the plan.

I complied and the british soldier told me that I was going to have to travel to a little town in France called Nadine, where I'd meet the german film star, Bridget Von Hammersmark as well as three soldiers from the american secret service outfit, known only as the Basterds, in a tavern called La Louisiane. From there I'd learn about my job in the operation and the events that were going to happen the day after the meeting in Nadine.


Night fell onto Nadine, as I made my way through the cobbled streets, my heels tapping against the floor, as I eventually found the tavern.

The tavern...that was in a basement.

Jesus, did Von Hammersmark know what she was doing? If a fight broke out, my god everyone would probably end up dead. I took in a breath as I opened the door to the bar and walked down the steps, noticing Von Hammersmark sat at the head of a table full of nazis.

She looked over to me, tapping her cigarette and her eyes lit up.

"Ah! Èdith! Come join us!" She called out to me in French as I smiled and nodded, walking over  to the table as the soldiers all erupted into greetings.

"Who is your friend Frau Von Hammer?" One of the soldiers asked her as Bridget laughed.

"Well, why don't you ask her yourself? She speaks german too!" Bridget told him as he laughed too and turned to me.

"Well, my name is Èdith Diamond and I am a singer." I introduced with a smile as the soldier nodded in reply, as I looked to Bridget and my head motioned towards the other tables.

"Well, I do think that me and my friend should really be getting to a table of our own to wait for our other friends." Bridget said to the group as we both stood up, the soldiers all complaining as Bridget laughed and apologised to the group, turning to walk away to an empty table as they all demanded for her to look at the name on the card that was placed on her hat.

"Ah!" She started as she picked it out of her hat and read it, turning to the group. "Genghis Khan! I would of never gotten that!" She joked as they all told her she would of, leaving her to grin.

We both walked off to sit at an empty table, as I ordered a drink for myself.

The door to the bar opened with the ding of the bell, as I looked at Bridget, her looking at me, as three gentlemen walked down the stairs into the tavern, dressed in SS uniforms. The soldiers all stood up abruptly, causing the barmaid to drop the plate she was carrying.

Me and Bridget looked over to them, unphased. 

"Hello my lovelies!" Bridget greeted them as they all looked at her with fake smiles, their eyes glancing over to the table of nazis, causing me to laugh slightly as I stood up, the three walking over to greet me by kissing me on each cheek, me returning the greeting.

UN MONUMENTO ➪ INGLOURIOUS BASTERDSWhere stories live. Discover now