Chapter 4: Part 4

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You'd think it would be strange, or irregular waking up in your crushes arms. For Nico he felt the complete opposite. Percy's sun-kissed skin brought warmth to Nico's ghostly white ones. He was almost bathing in serenity. He was happy Percy was there, for once he didn't have a nightmare. He felt after near-drowning the dreams became worse, trapped in a mindless prison, but next to Percy he felt fine. Better than fine actually. He was so glad to be held in Percy's arms he almost forgot to breathe.
He looked up, the sunlight poured in through the windows, the blinds creating a shadow cascading over Percy's face, "Hi," Nico said rubbing his eyes with his free hand. Again you'd think it be strange for Nico to wake up to your crush holding you staring directly in your eyes, but it wasn't weird it was calming and tranquil.
"Hey," Percy said with a twinkle in his already dazzling eyes coming in from the sunling melting through window. "What time is it?" Nico spoke, his voice straining from keeping his accent hidden while also not caring because he was with a person he cared about, and even rarer cared about him. "Um, no idea the sunsetting so probably around 5-6ish?" Percy spoke not moving a muscle. He wouldn't dare move as he didn't know when something like this would happen again with the two of them. Nico wasn't keen on leaving either.
"Wait if it's 5 and we got here at 2 I've been asleep for 3 hours!" Percy chuckled, Nico swore his teeth made a cartoon bling showing off his pearly whites.
"Yeah," Percy nodded in reassurement, "but this beauty queen looked like she needed her beauty sleep," Nico rolled his eyes as Percy rubbed his fingers over the darks circles. "Seriously what are you batman?" Nico rolled his eyes back into oblivion, "Staying up at night do to nightmares?'' Percy although lacked in mental intelligence wasn't an idiot, all it took was an empathetic teenager to realize Nico was hurting.
Percy slid his hand to the small of Nicos back stroking it in calming circles, "It's okay Nico," the small boy to a shaky breath as he listened, not sure if he was believing the other, "I'll always be a shoulder to cry on, or an arm to rest on."
Nico nodded the trust he saw in Percy unbreakable, he definitely saw truth in whatever the tall lanky boy told him, "I know I say this a lot Perseus," he stuttered his native accent creeping up on him, "Thank you for existing."

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