"Yes, Ingeborg, Trond?" she asked breathlessly. She was in her school uniform and it looked in need of a wash as well.

"These people are here to see you," the man-Trond-said roughly. There was a warning in his voice and the girl nodded urgently.

"Yes, Trond," she said in a small voice.

"Is there somewhere we can speak in private?" Hiccup asked but the woman-Ingeborg-jumped in immediately.

"How can we trust you with this poor vulnerable young girl?" she snapped.

What don't you want us to know? Hiccup wondered.

"I have sensitive news for Natasha," he said quietly. There was a pause.

"Go in yer room," Trond growled and the Haddocks realised the couple would be listening at the door. The girl nodded defeatedly and led them into a tiny cold room with a single mattress on the floor occupying most of the room, a chair with her clothes folded on it and her school bag resting against the damp wall by the tiny window. Looking at Hiccup's plastered ankle, the young girl swiftly removed her clothes and gestured to the chair.

"I think you need that most," she said and shrugged, looking apologetically at Astrid. "Um-sorry. It's my only chair. I..." Astrid smiled reassuringly.

"I can sit on the floor," she said easily and promptly sat down. The girl gaped as the beautiful woman lithely sat down, cross-legged and winked as Hiccup achingly lowered himself onto the chair. Natasha perched on the edge of the mattress. Staring from adult to adult, the girl sighed.

"Not to sound unfriendly but...why are you here?" she asked. "I mean, I know I have to stay here but...is there any news? About Dad?" And for a moment, there was hope in those brilliant green eyes and Hiccup felt his breath hitch. He sighed.

"I am your father's lawyer-and your lawyer as well," he said quickly, keeping his voice low. "And I don't have good news. I'm sorry, Natt, but there's no easy way to put it. You father has died."

There was a silence and then the girl shook her head.

"No," she said softly. "No. I prayed he would come and get me. That he would take me away from here. Because he is all I have got left." Her lip trembled and her eyes shone. "Please-don't let it be true." Tears rolled down her cheeks and Hiccup felt guilt and grief scourge him in equal measures.

"I'm so sorry," he said inadequately but Astrid leaned forward and pulled the girl into a hug. With a sob, Natt Fury flung herself against Astrid's chest and buried her face in the woman's coat, sobbing desolately. Astrid's arms closed around her, cocooning her as she murmured reassurances. Hiccup sighed and recalled what the girl's father had asked.

Save her. Make sure she is in a good home, safe and happy.

And he knew, in his heart, that this place was not that home. They would need to make a report to Family Services and risk the fallout of their unauthorised visit. But Natasha was in a bad home and her bruises looked fresh. In his heart, Hiccup had already determined that her foster parents had inflicted the blows and a curl of anger rose in his heart. Orphaned, alone in the system with no advocate and no one who cared, Natasha was lost.

Finally, when she had run out of tears, the girl pulled back from Astrid. She sniffed and wiped her nose on her sleeve until Astrid handed over a hanky.

"So what happens now?" she asked hoarsely. Astrid rested a hand on her face.

"The Department will need to decide what happens," she explained. "But maybe you will get a new home..." The girl flinched.

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