Lost, But Now I Am Found

Start from the beginning

"You were both late for potions and arrived at the same time because you spent the night together, didn't you?" Hermione simply said, not dropping her very, very infuriating smirk.

"I'm sorry, Granger," Draco intervened. "What do you care if we spent the night together?"

"Good, you didn't call me a mudblood, for once." Hermione observed. "Well, it just so happens that Harry is our best friend."

"Don't make me laugh, Hermione." Harry scoffed. How could she proclaim him their 'best friend' after she had spent a whole month giving him the cold shoulder over something so futile.

"You haven't said a word to me in a full month. And Ron's opinion doesn't differ from yours."

Harry let out. All he wanted in that moment was to be left alone. He didn't need another one of those mom-like scoldings Hermione was so fond of.

But the scolding never came. "Look, Harry," Hermione began, "I made a mistake. I was wrong and selfish. I should have accepted it from the beginning. I'm really sorry for what I called you and for how I acted... I shouldn't have made it about me. I mean, it's your life, Harry..."she smiled when she saw that Harry and Draco were holding hands, that meant they were a couple now. "I love you, Harry, and I want you to know that, even if I'm not so thrilled about this... I'm still happy for you. All that matters to me is your happiness." As she said the last line, Harry noticed that his friend's eyes were beginning to water. She had finally seen the light and he couldn't help smiling about it. He pulled her into a tight hug and as he did so he realized how much he'd missed Hermione's hugs. She hugged back just as tightly, burying her face into his neck. "I'm sorry too, Mione... I should have known you would have reacted like this."

"I'm sorry, too, Harry." came Ron's voice, then he joined the hug. Draco felt a bit out of place as he witnessed this touching reconciliation. They looked like they really cared about each other. He wondered how it felt to actually have friends. It must have a been a very beautiful thing.

He smiled awkwardly. There was really nothing else he could do.

"Well, Malfoy... um... Draco.." Hermione said as she pulled away. "I guess we need to establish a truce." She extended her hand for him to shake.

"I'm sorry I called you a mudblood..." Draco said, looking down. He couldn't believe he had just apologized. Slytherins did not apologize. He still shook her hand, though.

"And I'm sorry I called you an evil loathsome little cockroach..." Hermione said."I hope this means we can be friends now."

"Sure." Draco said, he then turned that handshake into a slightly awkward hug. If his dad had been there, he would have cruciated him. Or killed him right away. Friends with a mudblood, he heard his father's voice in his head say, what a disgrace for the family.

It was Ron's turn to talk to Draco now and he didn't seem too happy about it. "Look, Malfoy, don't you dare play one of your tricks on Harry, ok?" he warned. "Or you will see."

"Oh, come on, Weasley. My friendliness might surprise you."


"And why didn't you find the Room of Requirement?" Ginny asked Luna. They were still working on the project from the night before.

"Must have been occupied. Maybe by a couple." Luna said nonchalantly.

"Typical spot for couples. Though Harry and I never went..." Ginny observed.

"Oh I ran into Hermione and your brother, who were hoping to use the Room for themselves, and she said that she knew who was inside."

Ginny ignored the feeling of disgust at the mention of her brother and his girlfriend's search for a place to do their stuff in and focused on the fact that Hermione knew who the people occupying the room were. Could it be... "Luna, it was Harry! I'm sure of it! He was surely there with someone, the bastard!" She got up. "I might finally know who Harry cheated on me with! I need to go there... thank you Luna!" Ginny grabbed her friend's face and planted a kiss on her cheek, then she hurried out of the library.

Luna inadvertently blushed.

Ginny reached the seventh floor and hid behind a wall as soon as she heard footsteps approaching. She couldn't believe it when she heard Draco Malfoy's voice.

"Ew, Harry... isn't it weird that we just left the room so that Hermione and Ron could... use it at their advantage?" Ginny heard him say.

"Whatever, it's not like we didn't use it for the same reason not one day ago!" Harry chuckled.

No way. Ginny had never been more shocked in her life before. Malfoy? How could Harry, her man, have cheated on her with Draco Malfoy? She felt disgusted, to say the least. She was so shocked that she thought she would faint. This was a lot to take in. She sat so that she would steady herself, thus giving herself time to process the news she had just heard.

She found it so unfair that she had been the fool this whole time, crying over Harry while he was screwing around with Malfoy. To think that in two years Harry had never touched her below the waist... and now there he was, giggling about his sexual encounters with Malfoy.

But what made her sick to her stomach was the fact that Ron, her brother, knew of this, apparently. How could he have done such thing to his own sister?

The couple stopped walking as they saw Pansy and Blaise coming towards them.

"Oh shit!" Draco exclaimed. He turned to Harry, hoping he had his invisibility cloak with him. "Quick, get that damned cloak of yours!" he ordered.

"I don't have it with me now!" Harry said, sincerely. "Oh damn..."

"I highly support this theo-" Pansy was saying, but then she stopped as she saw Draco with Potter. "Draco? Potter? What are you doing here together?"

"I was just showing this filthy loser how to behave. He just couldn't help disturbing me." Draco quickly said. Harry raised an eyebrow at the mention of 'filthy loser' and 'how to behave', it was usually the other way around. He had to suppress a laugh at that.

"Me? You're the one who disturbed me! I was just walking when you cornered me!"

Harry said, pretending to be angry, but he gave Draco a smile as he did so.

Surprisingly, Blaise and Pansy bought it. "Yeah, you tell him Draco! Why don't you get lost, Potter?" said Blaise.

"Don't have to tell me twice!" Harry said as he walked away. He managed to wink at Draco and mouth him a 'see you later' .

Ginny decided it was time to leave her hiding spot.

"Harry, wait!" She called to him, but he didn't seem to care. "Please, don't walk away! We loved each other once!"

Harry turned around. "Ginny, I'm so sorry to tell you this, but you need to move on!" He then went back to walking away.

Like hell I'll move on, Ginny thought. I'll teach you to mess with Ginny Weasley.

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