Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

6 months later.

"Call me if you need to know anything at all okay?"

She said while putting her heels on at the door.

"Relax Kate, we'll be alright" Alexis assured her, rocking little Nathan in her arms.

"What are you so worried about Kate?"

Rick asked her, while walking up to her.

Joanna Castle was sucking on her thumb, her head resting on her daddy's shoulder.

Kate looked at him and then at Alexis, and then at her kids. And little Nathan looked at her with a shine in his eyes.

"I don't know why I'm worried... it's just…"

"You're going to be away from them today after 6 months of being with them 24x7." Rick said.

She sighed "15"

"what?" he asked.

"15 months Castle. They've been under my care for 15 months"

He smiled, understanding now what she meant.

"And they're still going to be here when you come back home from work in the evening. I know you're going to miss them Kate, but there are bad guys out there that need you to come chasing after them."

"I know. It's easy for you to say, you're going to stay home with them. I'm the one who has to say bye"

she sighed, then took Nathan from Alexis' arms and kissed him softly on the cheek. His skin so tender and smooth under her lips. She let her lips linger and then held him close to her. Inhaling the scent of him.

Oh she was going to miss them so much, even if it was just for a few hours. They were her babies. And she had grown so attached to them.

She need to be holding them at all times, needed to hear those sounds of incoherent words they tried to speak. She needed all of that, cause she'd come to grow so accustomed to them being around her.

"Mommy's going back to work today. Be good okay, and don't trouble your big sister" she whispered to him in his ear.

He put his hands to her mouth, and stared at it like it was the most fascinating thing in the world. The little baby, so oblivious to the fact that his mommy was not going to be here for several hours to come. She kissed his tiny fingers and said

"However, I wouldn't mind one bit if you trouble your dad"

she looked at Rick and winked.

"Haha. Funny" he said sarcastically. And Alexis laughed. Kate handed Nathan back over to Alexis and then steeped closer to Rick.

She leaned in and gave Joanna a kiss and said "I'll miss you sweetheart." She lightly traced her fingers down her chubby little cheeks and said "I'll be back before you know it"

And Joanna made a little sound, acknowledging that she recognized her mommy's voice, even though she may have not understood a word.

Kate stood up straight, and sighed. She looked at Castle and said "I never thought going back to work would be this hard"

"It's going to be okay. If you don't have a case, see if you can leave early. Gates should understand. She's had kids too"

"Yea. I'll try"

Alexis stepped forward and gave her a side hug and said "Have a nice first day back at work Kate."

"Thank you sweetie" she said.

Alexis then walked on into the living room, taking Nathan along with her. Castle leaned in and kissed his Wife, Slow and passionate, making her toes curl. She let her hand wander up his chest and behind his neck.

When they pulled away, she kept her forehead to his and said with closed eyes,

"Thank you"

"don't worry about a thing. These two are in safe hands, you know that. You just be safe and see that you come home the same way you left, without a scratch on your body."

Kate chuckled and kissed him again, nibbling on his lower lip before letting it go fully. She suddenly felt a small hand on her face.

"Looks like someone's jealous of the attention you're getting from me" Castle joked.

She laughed and then kissed Joanna's tiny little palm and said "Yea yea, he's all yours now. I'm the one who should be jealous"

and as if she had understood exactly what her mommy said, Joanna put her forehead to Castle's cheek and a tiny little hint of a smile graced her pink lips.

"I'll see you guys in the evening then" she said. Running her hand through her hair. And turning the door knob to open it.

"Go get em' tiger" Rick said and quickly spanked her ass lightly before she stepped out. She turned and glared at him "Rick!"

"oh come on, no one was looking"

she simply shook her head in disbelief, and laughed as she disappeared into the elevator."

Rick closed the door, and then looked at Joanna. "Looks like it's just you two, Alexis and me for a few hours now"

Joanna put her hand on his ear and lightly caught it in her fingers.

"Wow. Just like your mommy. I can never catch a break can I? Just so you know, my safe word is Apples."

He kissed her on the forehead and took her in to the living room where Alexis was playing with Joanna's twin brother.

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