Chapter 1: Unconditional Love

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, but your son doesn't live 2,000 miles away" Greg states.

"Planes go to Dallas, boss" Eddie advises as they walk towards the briefing room.

"She won't let me through the front door, Eddie. And what about Alex. you saw how she reacted to Dean breaking his arm. What do you think she would say about me going to see both of them?" Greg explains.

"Well first off, you bring a ram. That would get you through the front door no problem" Eddie smiles and Greg laughs shaking his head as he places a folder on the large glass table.

"And second, Alex is just mad at Dean because he went with their mother. She wants to protect you, Greg. She's your little girl" Eddie continues as Greg looks up at him nodding his head.

"But what siblings don't argue all the time?" Eddie then says giving Greg a slap on the back on the shoulder and walks out of the briefing room.


Greg walks into the men's dressing room to see Eddie about to close his locker. But stops his as he notices something inside. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Is that an ultrasound?" Greg asks with a small smile on his face and Eddie looks towards the floor.

"Are you kidding me?" Greg snickers as Eddie opens his locker back up so Greg can see the photo.

"No joke" Eddie smiles looking back up at Greg as he walks towards him. Eddie closes his locker and feels Greg place his hand on his shoulder.

"Buddy! When are you due?" Greg asks curiously.

"I hate to break it to you, boss, but it's the lady that carries the baby" Eddie snickers as the smile disappears off of Greg's face. Greg then nods his head and looks at Eddie with a serious look on his face.

"Hm. Your boys can still swim" Greg states and Eddie laughs watching Greg turn around to walk away.

"How about that?" Greg continues.

They both walk out of the dressing room and up the small number of stairs to the main level of headquarters. "How does it feel?" Greg asks.

"I'm getting used to the idea. So is Sophie" Eddie states.

"Clark's almost out of the house, now it's back to changing diapers and 3:00 A.M. feedings" Greg advises as he thinks back to the time he did the same with Alex.

"And a husband who works all the time" Eddie sighs as they both turn the corner.

"It's a second chance-- time to do things differently" Greg advises as they head towards Winnie's desk to see the rest of the team close by.

Suddenly the alarm sounds and the whole team turns around looking at Winnie who was typing quickly onto her laptop. "Team One, hot call. A five-year-old girl, Becky Corday, kidnapped from Bridgman Park" Winnie states.

"What do we know?" Alex questions as she stands between Spike and Jules.

"Eyewitness reported seeing a strange man hanging around taking pictures" Winnie answers as something pops up onto her screen.

"Got an ID: Clarence Fogle recently released child molester, lives three blocks from that park" she states as Team one starts to head towards the garage.

"Winnie, get his photo and his address uploaded to our PDAs now" Alex demands as she follows behind the team.

"Copy that" she hears Winnie say before they all begin to run.


Alex speeds down the street with Spike in the passenger seat and Leah in the back. Following behind Eddie and Greg and followed closely by Jules, Wordy, and Sam. The all drive through the busy city with their lights flashing and sirens blaring watching as cars pull over to let them pass.

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