How to manage Stress?

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1. Eat healthy meals with plenty of fruits and vegetables.

2. Maintain daily routine and schedule;

3. Avoid caffeine (can increase feelings of anxiety and agitation)

4. Do things you enjoy (For example: art, listening to music, being outdoors, dancing, writing poetry, reading, etc.)

5.Good amounts of rest and sleep.

6. Avoid alcohol, tabacco and drugs.

7. State feelings in a clear way (example: "I feel angry when you yell at me.")

8. Decrease negative self talk (e.g. transform " My grades will never get any better." to "I may not doing well now, but my grades can improve if I get extra help and I do all my homework.")

9. Be with friends who help you cope in a positive way.

10. Learn relaxation techniques (such as: deep breathing, muscle relaxation, meditation)

11. Talk to caring adults.

12. Humor/laughter

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