Stuck in The Middle (Pt. 1)

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We were married two years ago, my husband and I, and for two glorious years, it was perfect.  Then my husbands best friend moved in.

Logan was from Australia.  My husband had met him several years ago at a conference while we were dating.  I had never met him in person, but they talked often enough that it was like he was always here.

One day, Logan called and told us he was moving to America because a job posting he couldn't pass up had opened and he needed a place to stay until he could find a place of his own.  Of course we said yes.  We knew it would only be temporary and the job was such a great opportunity for him, that we couldn't turn him down.  A month later he was moved in.

He was the greatest roommate and house guest anyone could have asked for.  He was neat, he always helped prepare meals or cleaned up the dishes afterwards.  He paid rent and his share of the utilities on time, without having to be asked.  Lastly, he was funny and without drama.

I worked from home as an author which gave me enough free time between deadlines to travel and do research for my next book.  Currently, that is where I was, between deadlines.

My next book was a sequel to a series I had been writing for the past 3 years, so I was pretty confident in the research I had already done, so this break, I was spending some quality time with Aaron.

After we got married, Aaron and I had decided that we wanted to make a go of our careers before we started to expand our family.  Now that we were both working steadily and making decent money, we made a deal that on my next break, we would talk about starting our family.  I was so excited!

When Logan moved in, however, we decided to put that on hold for a little while longer.  We had enough room, considering we lived in a five bedroom, 4 bath, 3500 sq. Ft. home, but we didn't want to be inconsiderate with our lovemaking and we had plenty of time.


Logan managed to snag the job he had come out here for, but any apartment he wanted would be a drive and we came to the conclusion that he should get a vehicle first.  Currently, Aaron and I had two, and since I worked from home, it was no skin off my teeth to let him use my car as his transportation.

Everything in our lives ran smoothly.  We all were comfortable and got along well.  But over time, while Aaron started working later and later hours to meet deadlines, Logan's job was having him work from home on his laptop more and more.

We were starting to spend a lot of time together alone, because Aaron never seemed to be there.  Even coming home so late that the sky was lightening as he climbed into bed.

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