Chapter:6~ The love shack- no, barn!

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They'd tried to carry on playing as they quickly made their way to the little wooden structure in the next field but it hadn't worked. It was hard when rain flew into their faces and they jogged quickly, unable to stop for dares. So when they were halfway across the second wheat field, they stopped playing completely and concentrated on running to the dry shelter.

Though it was raining and their game had been brought to a halt, their mood hadn't been ruined at all. They still laughed and messed around. Even Newt and Thomas, who still had a blush on their cheeks. Just this time, when a boy was pushed over, he would stand back up with a slightly thicker layer of dirt clinging to his clothes. They even thought twice about going into the shelter when they were only a couple of metres away, wondering if they should just keep going.

However, they decided against the idea and walked into the barn. The first thing they noticed was the smell. It was a mixture of rotten wood and mold that made them believe it wasn't used very often. There wasn't much inside, only a workbench with a few tools along its crumbling walls, that were all surprisingly clean. Even with the tools, the use of the barn still seemed to be a mystery.

The boys stood by the threshold, watching the rain falling and the cloud passing. The sky was even more covered than before, blanketing the atmosphere in a thick layer of gray.

"Should we go back or just risk getting wet again?" Newt asked.

"Nah, let's not go back. We're already wet. Plus we are being illegal, might as well continue doing this until we get to our goal." Minho said loudly over the sound of the rain hitting the tin roof.

Thomas scrunched his face up in confusion, "why are we standing in here then, if we're already wet and we're going to continue anyway? Shouldn't we just go now?"

"We may already be slightly damp but that doesn't mean I want to continue walking about in the shucking rain, " Minho said, "we should just wait for it to stop before carrying on."

"What if it doesn't stop?" Thomas asked.

"Then we carry on anyway. Honestly, you are thick, aren't you." Gally added as he rolled his eyes.

"Am not!"

After a few minutes in silence listening to the rain fall and slowly begin to fade, Minho asked if they wanted to continue playing Truth or Dare. Most of the boys said no to the idea as they had already been playing for a long time. Instead, the group began a conversation about their new school headmistress; Ava Paige. Most of it consisted of name-calling and complaints of her harsh way of running the school.

Not being a part of the school, Thomas stood at the edge and simply listened. He didn't mind. It was the perfect opportunity to think. And also watch Newt.  The kiss had only been a dare but he couldn't deny that it felt amazing. Every aspect; the kiss itself, holding Newt, the way the rain dripped off of the blond; caused butterflies to flutter in Thomas' stomach. He couldn't lie, he really wanted to kiss Newt again. But the only problem was that he was straight. Wasn't he?

The rain had lightened considerably as the boys came to the end of their old talk and started a new one. Thomas kept glancing at Newt, only looking away when the boy would notice. However soon, Newt got curious about why Thomas was staring at him, so left the conversation and strode over to stand next to him.

Newt didn't look at Thomas. He only focused straight ahead as he rubbed the back of his neck in nervousness, " You know, " Newt started, "that was actually a bloody brilliant kiss. I would do it again but I know you wouldn't want to."

The brunette turned his head to face Newt, hope glinting in his eyes, " what makes you think that?" He asked as he reached out and to took Newt's hand in his and squeezed it lightly.

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