I climbed out of bed, took a hot shower, and put on something a bit provocative before heading out of my place and towards the hammering sound.

But when I reached the sound, I was unpleasantly surprised to not find either brother. It was a different man altogether. He was handsome and around my age with a warm smile when he saw me.

"You're not Dash or Dane..." I remarked, eyeing him skeptically. I didn't mean to sound rude or anything but I was upset that the brothers weren't here.

The guy laughed, shaking his head. "They don't work weekends. I'm Joey, their weekend guy. Did you need help with something?"

Oh, I needed help alright. I woke from a steamy dream and was aching for the brothers' touch but found neither of them when I came down here. Now I was all hot and bothered and honestly a bit pissed off that they weren't here. They haven't even tried to reach out to me and I was dwelling on all the scenarios in my head that kept saying they had used me; forget about them.

"Umm, no, not really. I just had a question for them." I twirled a piece of hair around my finger and couldn't stop thinking about the two men.

He lightly chuckled. "Well, even though they aren't on any job site today, I know where you can find them." He was eyeing me with a grin.

I shouldn't be the one to track them down, should I? But then again, if I didn't, I wouldn't get the answers I sought after and I wouldn't be able to get their hands on me again. So, I nodded at the man, coaxing him with my eyes to give up the information I needed.

He stood up and reached into his back pocket before pulling out a card and handing it to me. "They'll be at the office today doing some work. Swing by; they'll be there." He winked and then got back to work without another word or glance in my direction.

I looked down at the card in my hands and grinned. Their logo and company name was neatly typed on the face with the office number and direct numbers to each brother along with an address. I thought about calling them, but instead my mind went some place dark and seductive. No, I was going to show up dressed to impress and surprise them. Today was going to be a good day.

After running upstairs and putting on a little black dress and nude heels, I called a taxi and waited impatiently for its arrival. While I waited I pulled my hair into a high pony, pulling tendrils out to frame my face before applying light makeup to my eyes and nude matte lipstick. As I did so, my mind went wild with all the possibilities today held.

It could really go two ways. One, I would walk in there and they'd be confused and surprised to see me, pushing me out the door as nicely as they could. Or, two, they would welcome me with open arms and put their mouths on all the right places. God, I hoped for the latter.

In just two short days, the McCarthy brothers have totally made my world spin upside down. I came to Georgia running from an abusive man, away from an ugly life that I would rather just forget while falling into the arms of two different men. Sure, I was having fun, but what happened at the end when I could no longer have fun with them? Did I choose one and not the other? But, who would I choose? Did we have an open relationship between the three of us and try to live in harmony? Or, would I lose both men completely? I couldn't and shouldn't think about that right now. After all, it was just sex right? Out of this world, mind shattering sex that I didn't think I'd be able to give up freely when it came time to do so. I am so screwed!

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a car horn out front and knew that was my awaiting taxi. I quickly checked myself in the mirror once more before grabbing my purse and left my place.

When the taxi stopped at its destination, I looked out the window and saw an old brick industrial looking building that had obviously been here for years with large green vines crawling up the front. It was actually a beautiful place and the last place I would think a construction company would use as their office. Then I saw "McCarthy" printed on one of the doors and knew that it was indeed their building. I paid the driver and slipped out of the back seat. I stared up at the building before taking a deep breath and made my way towards the front doors.

Dash & Dane (18+)Where stories live. Discover now