They Were One

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Chapter Warning: Boy on Boy. NSFW.

" Look, it might come as a shock to you, given I'm not the brightest wizard there is, but, Harry... I'm not blind, I saw what happened today. It looked as if Malfoy was about to kiss you... and you didn't seem too mad about that." Ron said. Crap, what now? There was no way Harry could lie his way out of it. He wished that Ron and Hermione hadn't been there to witness that 'incident'.

"Ron, look, I..." Harry began, but his friend interrupted him. "I wouldn't care if you were gay, Harry, but if you are to fool my sister... this is where I'm not fine with it." His voice was stern, Harry had never heard his mate speak like this to him before. He must have been very angry.

The younger boy took a deep breath. "I'm not fooling her into anything, Ron..."

"You aren't? Well, what do you call being with my sister, but at the same time having wet dreams about Malfoy? And don't deny it, I heard you say his name in your sleep!" he was speaking loudly now, risking to wake up the other three room mates. "Keep quiet, Ron...Look, I don't know what I feel for Ginny, ok?" There, he said it. "So you're using her? It'd make more sense if you broke up with her and told her that you're about as straight as Hermione's hair!"

"Maybe you're right." Harry considered, "Maybe I should break up with her..." He wondered why he'd never had this thought before. Did it really make sense to be with someone he didn't like?

"Yeah, good idea. She's not that happy with you... she confessed that she didn't feel wanted by you lately... or ever. She said she doesn't feel like you are attracted to her."

Poor Ginny, she was right... He had never been attracted to her. And he may have known why... he was actually gay. Made sense.

"I'll talk to her tomorrow..." Harry reassured his friend. He surely didn't want to be hated by him. He knew how protective Ron was when it came to his sister. He shifted uncomfortably in his bed, hoping that this conversation would end as soon as possible.

"Good. Night, Harry." Said his best friend. He then lay down and turned to face the wall. That hadn't been an easy talk and boy, was Harry glad that it was over. He closed the drapes on his bed and stared at the ceiling. But as he looked down, he noticed a small problem he had forgotten about. Consequence of his dream, of course. Sighing, Harry opened the drapes, got up and made his way to the bathroom.


Next morning, Harry met up with Ginny in the common room before breakfast. It had been their routine every day so far.

Harry felt gut wrenching guilt as he looked at the girl walking happily towards him. He was about to rip her heart in a million little pieces... He would have watched her fall apart, helplessly. But this had to be done. He needed to man up and face this. He was a Gryffindor, after all, and Gryffindors didn't know fear.

Ginny rushed to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Morning love!" She leaned in to kiss him but Harry wouldn't let her. She was puzzled at this. "Look, Ginny... I need to tell you something..." Harry took a deep breath... why did it have to be so hard? Why couldn't he be a cruel man and give zero fucks about Ginny? No, he had to be fond of her. Damn him. "What?" his now future ex asked cluelessly. Here it comes..."I don't... know... if I really... love you..." He murmured. He was visibly shaking now. "You're kidding, right?" Ginny said while pushing him away quite violently.

"No, I realized that there is no... spark... between us, I-"

"There's another girl, right? Is this why you were so distant? I thought it was the NEWTs pressure!" She was screaming at this point. Of course she would think that he was cheating on her. The dream didn't count.

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