Why Do You Hate Me? (Buckyx Reader)

Start from the beginning

"Capsicle!? That's great! Why haven't I been using that these past few years?!" You laughed, causing Steve to smile and roll his eyes.

"Well hello! Who might you be?" Tony asked, quickly introducing himself, holding his hand out for you to shake.

"I'm y/n! And you're Tony Stark!" You smirked, excited to finally meet the genius.

"Y/n has been a pretty close friend of mine since I came out of the ice." Steve butted in, smiling as you excitedly introduced yourself to everyone one by one, laughing when you gave Wanda a hug. "I decided it was finally time to bring her here, I was keeping her away to protect her, but after the snap and almost losing her forever, I figured she'd be safer hanging out here as much as possible." He explained, smiling when you made your way back to him.

"But Thanos is gone now, so we don't have to worry about that anymore." You smiled, though your eyes searched the room for the one face you hadn't yet seen. "Hey, I didn't see Bucky." You told him, concerned about his friend.

"Wait, where is Barnes? He was just here." Tony pointed out as his eyes scanned the room as well. "Friday?"

"It appears Barnes was here, but he seems to have gone back to his room." The AI responded.

"That's weird... did he say anything?" Steve asked, wondering why his friend would just leave without a word or clue as to why. "I'll go check on him." He told the team, placing his hand on your back and leading you toward Bucky's room.


It only took a second, just that quick second of his eyes landing on you. He knew he'd be a goner if he talked to you, but the one thing he knew he needed to do was get away. He ruins everything he touches, everything he's close to somehow gets destroyed, he couldn't let the next thing be you.

"Hey Buck? You in there?" Steve asked as he knocked on the door, waiting for his friend to answer.

Bucky didn't respond, he knew it was Steve, and he knew you were most likely there with him. He regrettably got out of bed; walking to the door and opening it to find exactly what he expected. "Oh, hey Steve." He responded plainly.

"Hey man, where were you? I told you I was bringing someone for you to meet today." Steve told him, sounding confused.

"Oh, that was today? Sorry." Bucky answered, turning back into his room, leaving the door open for you and Steve.

"Well, she's here now. So Bucky, this is y/n, y/n, this is Bucky." Steve introduced the two of you, gently leading you closer to his friend.

"Hi Bucky, Steve has told me so much about you. It's great to finally meet you." You smiled, holding out your hand to shake his.

"Steve never mentioned you before." Bucky quipped, standing up and walking to the dresser in his room, ignoring your introduction.

"For her protection Buck, then I realized she'd be safer if you guys all knew about her." Steve responded, not understanding why his friend was acting this way.

"Well we have plenty of people to protect, can't pick favorites." Bucky shot back, glaring at you. "So maybe she should get in line."

"Y/n, why don't you go meet up with everyone in the lounge for dinner." Steve told you, leading you out of the room, not taking his eyes off of his friend.

"Yeah... yeah okay. I'll see you in a bit Steve." You whispered, sounding hurt. "Umm... bye Bucky, it was nice to meet you." You waved defeatedly as you walked away, not looking back.

"What the hell was that?" Steve asked Bucky as he shut the door.

"I don't understand what the big deal is."

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