#3: Im sorry

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(PETES P.O.V)  (spoiler alert)

I run into the house into Alex

"You go up there! You die! Run!"

Alex runs out

I grab a knife from the kitchen and run upstairs

I push open the door to Alex' room and run in

I see nothing

I rip the covers off the bed


Where is she?

I see the window open, and something behind the curtains

The wind blew an the curtain moves

She was right there, blood flowing out of her stomach

I cry and try to help her

I cry onto her shoulder

"Please babe"

I stand up and turn around

There was a man in a mask

I screamed he stabs me

I limp and fall down

(Michelle's p.o.v)

I was talking with Tyler after my phone call with sarah

"Haha" I laugh at Tyler's dad joke

"Ha yeah..." He blushes

He leans in slowly

I back up into the wall

"W-woah Tyler, what are you doing?"

Tyler leans out

"O-oh uh" he scratches his neck

He only does that when he is hiding something

"I'm sorry Michelle"

"For wh-" he cuts me off by kissing me

I push him away "Tyler!"

"I-im so sorry!" I scoff and walk away

I try to find Brendon in the sweaty and hot crowd

Bumping into several people I manage  to find him by the food table

I smile but it fades as soon as I see Madison walk over to him

(Brendons p.o.v)

I was waiting for Michelle to come back

I smile at my phone at a picture of us, in our costumes last year, we were skeletons

I was swiping pictures of us looking at them

Until I see a hand take away my phone, I expected to see Mj but I saw Madison, the girl who attached herself to me

She has been trying to steal me away from Michelle

My smile fades

"What the hell do you want Madison?"

"You baby, I want you to watch me touch myself, im hungry for you, I wanna deep throat you, I wanna touch you baby" She grinds against my member, I groan

She smirks and kisses me

I push away


She grinds on me pushing her butt against me

I groan and lean back but I feel her get pushed off me

I look down and see Michelle

"Michelle I-"

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Nov 03, 2018 ⏰

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