#2: "sir please leave!"

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Laurie opened the basement as the group stood helplessly

"Babe are you sure about this?" Brendon asked

"Yes, this is if Michael ever comes for Lauren"

Laurie smiles at me

"Everything you need is down there, if Michael escaped I suggest you call your parents, let them know where you are, Michelle grab the wire, gasoline, and the auto hu lights please"

I went downstairs and got everything

Me and Laurie set up a trap

We put the wire around the trees and the auto remote lights in the forest

We put gasoline on the wire and a long switch lighter with a button

The group qalked around putting wire everywhere and poured gasoline on them

(Hours later)

We were done

I kissed Brendon

Breezy came over

"Good job Michelle, Laurie is a brilliant woman" she smiles

I thank her


We all go into Laurie's house and wait

She had guns and knives

(The shapes third person p.o.v)

The Shape killed two men, about to be three

He walked up to the friendly man who ran the gas station

"Why hello there sir what are you looking for this time sunny day?" The man smiled

He smashed his head on the table more then 10 times

He walked towards the ladies room

He burst through the door

He slowly walked towards the stalls pushing them open one by one

He had finally reached a big stall, with the journalist in it


He banged on the door until he heard a scream

"Um excuse me someones in here!" Her British voice spoke

The Shape dug into his pocket and closed his fist taking his hand out

He slowly brought his hand to the upper part of the door

He opened his hand and out came teeth

Bloody yet disgusting

Kate screamed for her partner John

She pulled her skirt up and crawled on the dirty floor across the stalls

"Help me! help!!" She tried sliding on the slippery floor

Nothing worked

The Shape had got her foot and pulled her back

She gripped the toilet seat in disgust and tried to pull herself back to the first stall but failing with sorry and miserableness in her eyes

She was violently pulled back and her head smashed against the floor in process breaking one of her teeth

The Shape picked her up by her neck and held her against the stall, he tightened his grip against her neck and choked her

Until she heard her partner come in and fight The Shape

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