~:~ Chapter 5 - Castle in the fog ~:~

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To Keith

Unknown Number 4:59am - Keith? It's Lance. I'm so sorry, I was going to message you as soon as I got home but something came up. Look I can't talk right now my phone's broken and I'm in a bit of a pickle haha - but how about I'll meet you at that arcade I mentioned yesterday at 6 alright? It's called The Castle, the address is 12 Arus road. It's got a big orange moustache on the front. I'm sorry I'll see you soon

Unknown Number 5:00am - hopefully x

Keith doesn't know what to think, he doesn't know what to do, whether he should be happy Lance is seemingly okay or extremely worried from the hinting that something not so good was happening to him right now. Either way he jams his phone into his back pocket and leaves the train yard as fast as he can. He doesn't even feel the cold as he runs down the street, following the map on his phone.


Keith couldn't breathe, he'd never ran so much in his life before. At some point the rain had let up but he'd still slipped and fallen into a puddle in a road pothole. He was dripping wet but he didn't care. He'd found the arcade and now there he sat at a bench beneath the patio. The street was quiet as the sun peeked over the trees.

Keith read the message Lance had sent over and over. His heart was still racing, desperate to know if he was okay. Keith didn't remember the last time he'd worried so much about someone. Normally he didn't take so much care but this was ripping him apart, sitting there helpless, unable to do anything and without the slightest clue where his friend was. It was excruciating.

But finally as the warm morning sunlight hit the back of his neck all his worries seemingly washed away. Lance slowed to a jog before him. Keith was on his feet instantly.

"Keith-" Lance began before the new kid had thrown himself at the boy. They stumbled back but Lance caught him in time to keep them balanced. Keith's arms were tight around his neck.

"Where the fuck were you!?" Keith exclaims in his ear, Lance winces and smiles sheepishly.

"Sorry, I got caught up in something." Lance tells him as Keith pulls away. This makes the boy frown. He gives Lance a hard shake by the shoulders.

"You idiot! I was so worried, I couldn't sleep, I've been looking everywhere for you!" Keith begins to ramble wildly, using his hands to accentuate. Lance stares with a mesmerized gaze the entire time. Keith's hair was still dripping. "I didn't know where you could possibly be, I felt so useless, it was terrifying! Never do that again!"

Keith's eyes meet Lances, the tan boy doesn't even bat an eye as he reaches a hand up to push some of Keith's damp hair behind his ear. His touch is so delicate, as though he were afraid Keith would shatter. Keith goes silent and still. Lance stares for a few seconds longer before he whispers; "I'm sorry for scaring you."

Keith doesn't know what to do, Lance was gazing so deeply at him it was a little disorienting. Keith felt dizzy, maybe it was from all the running he'd done, maybe he'd caught a cold, maybe it was because Lance was ever slowly leaning in towards him. Keith's heartbeat stutters and his fingers curl into his palm. He feels the tip of Lances nose brush his before pulling away. He turns red and scratches the back of his neck. Keith is staring.

"Uh sorry I just- um, why don't we find somewhere warm? The arcade won't open for another hour." Lance tries to excuse, Keith blinks, everything loads in. Now suddenly aware of what had nearly happened he too flares up, he nods fast and keeps his head down. Much too embarrassed to look Lance in the eye anymore.

~:~ Barely Human ~:~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang