~:~ Chapter 5 - Castle in the fog ~:~

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~ For most of the night Keith lay awake with worry. His heart was pounding and his vision focused and precise. He reaches a hand up and presses his fingers against the cool glass of the window beside his bed. It was raining out again, heavier than yesterday. Puddles formed in the cracked concrete in his backyard. His phone had been black for hours now and each time he checked it to find no response to his messages his fears worsened.


To Lance

Keith 7:45pm - Lance? Did you get back safely?

Keith 8:23pm - Lance?

Keith 8:25pm - I'm kind of worrying here dude


Keith 1:56am - I really need you to tell me if you're okay. What happened?

Keith 3:12am - Lance where are you?

Keith 4:05am - I'm going to the train yard, if you see this meet me there. Please.

Keith had even sent the same messages on all the social media he had Lance on. He shuts off his phone and sighs heavily. Throwing his legs over the side of his bed he rubs his face. His brows were - at this stage - permanently creased and his palms were sweaty. He couldn't help but assume something bad had happened, especially since the incident with the mysterious car. Keith was shaken up, he needed to know if Lance was okay.

So with that he throws himself off his bed, pulls on his sweat pants, a jacket and a pair of runners and sneaks out the back door with a gentle clatter. He was instantly soaked as soon as he stepped down the stairs. With a shaky breath he heads for the back gate and once his feet are on the pavement he's sprinting off in the direction of the junkyard.

His breathing is ragged and very quickly his feet grow sore from running, he nearly finds himself going ass up a few times as he hurries down the empty and wet street. Only a few cars in sight, the sun was just beginning to make its appearance over the hills.

When the train yard comes into view he skids to a halt, his eyes darting this way and that for any sign of the boy. Jumping the fence he rushes in, first he checks the freight car they'd sat in yesterday afternoon to find it empty. He checks the old cars, trucks and buses for anyone in the front or back seats but there's nothing. There's a shed in the far corner of the clearing that he also comes to find is abandoned of life.

The rain is heavier by now and it's getting difficult to see anything. Keith's become frantic, he doesn't know where else to look, he didn't have Lances address, he didn't know enough about him and where he could be, he had no other contacts in relation to Lances. There was nothing he could do. Lance was lost and Keith was at loss. He makes his way back to the train, seeking shelter in its rusty walls. He slumps against the back and catches his breath. A puddle soon forming around his body. He briefly pulls out his phone to find there's still been no contact from Lance so with a defeated groan he drops it beside his leg.

He can't help but feel like this is his fault, like this happened because he got involved with Lance. And now he had no idea where he was and for all he knew he could be hurt or in danger. That crushed him, Keith felt so guilty. He somehow manages to hold himself together.

And then like the presence of an angel his phone lights up at his thigh. He snatches it immediately. His brows furrow as he reads the name that flashes across the screen.

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