Bye Jess

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               I looked at Annabeth, then back at Jess. I was wondering what to do. Jess looked at me and smiled. "Oh what?" she said, "You're gonna try to hurt me too?" I took out my sword, which was filled with lightning. I stormed over to Jess who was in a fighting position. I pointed my sword at her chest, right in the middle where her heart would be. "I won't try to hurt you," I said, "But km going to KILL you if you don't give them back and leave." She laughed. "I don't think so. Because you're way too soft." I pressed harder on my sword, enough to start to make her bleed. She made a dash for her knife and cut me. I buried my sword into her chest. She didn't even scream. She died, with a look of shock on her face. Everyone in the cabin was staring at me. "You killed a innocent girl." someone said. I took me sword out and I didn't feel any guilt. It was wrong, but I was thinking to the kid, you're wrong. She was never innocent. She was a monster. But I was one too. Some of the kids gave me glares as they tried to heal their half sister. I ran out of the cabin. I just committed murder. I sprinted into the woods. I kept going, I didn't even know where to though. I was dark so I couldn't really see anything. I kept going until I tripped on a log. I fell on a rock and everything went dark. 

~Next Day~

             I woke up to rain. All my clothes were wet and I was shivering. The water was dripping down my hair and everything. It looked like I jumped into a pool with my clothes on. I stared at my hands and they were bloody from scraps and cuts. I didn't know where I was. I just ran blindly into the woods. I got up and freezing, started to walk and find my way to the camp. I held my sword the whole time. You never know if there are monsters waiting for you. I finally made it to camp. I was probably walking for half of a hour. They were all wearing black and there was a grave. Jess's grave. They weren't wet thanks to their umbrellas. The Athena cabin saw me. One kid screamed, "OMG! It's the killer!!" Another one saw my hands and said, "They are probably bloody from when she killed Jess." I walked past them, trying to find Annabeth. Some kids from the Athena cabin got their swords out. I marched past them too. I walked over to the infirmary. Will, Percy, and Nico were their watching Annabeth, who still seemed to be unconscious. "She's in a coma," said Will, "we don't know when she will wake up. IF she ever wakes up." Percy had tears streaming down his face. I couldn't tell if I was crying. I had too many emotions. Hate, guilt, sadness, etc. Nico's face looked as if he wanted to punish Jess in the Underworld. Which he CAN do. I hope that Annabeth can wake up soon. If she EVER wakes up.

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