Chapter 4: What?!

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               Jess, Nolan and Sammy were all lying on the ground. I tried to turn my head but the pain was too much for me. I blacked out.


I woke up in this tent-like building. There were two boys on the other side of the room talking. One was blonde haired. The other looked deadly. The blonde one said something to the other boy and then they held hands. That was awkward. "Ummmmmmm....." was all I said. They turned around and were blushing. "Oh sorry," said the blonde one, " we didn't notice you were awake." "Uh huh," I said and smirked, "What's your names?" "I'm Will and this is Nico," said the blonde one. "I'm going to go back to my cabin." said Nico. When Nico left, Will came up to me and checked my pulse. Then he gasped. "What?" I said, "Is there something wrong?" "Uh no.... It's just..... Whaaa?!..... I NEED TO GET EVERYONE IN HERE QUICK!!!" He yelled. Then, he ran out of the room. He came back in with Percy, Nico, Annabeth, some other campers, and Chiron. Annabeth's jaw dropped. "What? Is my hairdo messed up?" I said sarcastically. "Tell me!". Chiron smiled. "My hunch was correct. All hail Avery! Daughter of Zeus!"


I was walking in the Strawberry fields with Annabeth. We were talking about our parents and she was telling me about genes and relatives and all the "good" stuff. She told me she was going to be back, she just needed to get something. As soon as she left, three devils came. Jess, Nolan, and Sammy came walking up to me. "Sooo," said Jess, "we heard about your claiming. Are WE going to get something like that?" "How am I supposed to know?" I answered back. Sammy rolled her eyes. "Well you better know," said Jess, "we deserve better than you." I rolled my eyes and walked away. "Hey!" yelled Jess, "Don't back away you coward!" "Yeah!" screamed Nolan, "Don't go when things were starting to get good!" "You're SEVENTEEN!!" I screamed, "GROW UP!" I left all of them shocked. "Hey" Annabeth said. I stormed past her and went to my cabin and got my sword. 

~At night~

I stayed in my cabin the rest of the day. I kept staring at my sword, my burnt backpack, and my necklace that my mom said was the only thing my dad could've gotten me before he died. But he didn't die. He just wasn't around. What kind of dad would do that?! Anyways I was laying in my bed and then I heard a knock from outside. "Yeah?" I said. "Hey, we are having a campfire outside today. Plus people can go to each other's cabins." said the voice from outside, "Do you want to come? We're inviting everyone." I was hesitant to go. "Sure." I said. Whoever the person was left. I came out of my cabin and indeed, they were having a campfire and other campers where walking around. It was like a party! Percy was getting drinks for himself and Annabeth, Will was teaching Nico the best way to make a s'more, and other campers were doing other things. "Wazzup," said a voice behind me. I jumped and turned around. There was this Hispanic kid. "My name is Leo. I know who you are though, so you don't have to introduce yourself to LEO MCSHIZZLE BAD BOY SUPREME!" "Ummmmmmmmmmm. Okay I have no idea what that means." I replied. Leo was talking nonsense and we were walking. Jess Nolan and Sammy came up to us. IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PARTY!!! When everyone was staring at us. Just great. Leo left to join his friends. Smart move. Suddenly, something started to glow on top of there heads. Everyone was staring, including me. On top of Jess, there was a glowing red owl. On top of Sammy, there was a Golden Helmet, and finally on top of Nolan, there was a balance scale. I didn't understand any of them. Annabeth came running up and sarcastically said, "All Hail Jess, Daughter of Athena. All Hail Sammy, Daughter of Ares. And finally, all Hail Nolan, Son of Nemesis." Oh no. Poor Annabeth. Annabeth had to show Jess the cabin now. I decided to come with her. All of Athena cabin was there, plus a few other campers. Everything was going great until..... "Jess what are you doing?!" yelled Annabeth. "Taking my earrings," replied Jess, "What did you THINK I was doing?" "Oh I don't know." said Annabeth, "Maybe taking something that belongs TO ME." "Uh no these are mines and I'm KEEPING them." said Jess. "Listen, those were the last things my dad gave me and I haven't seen him in years." said Annabeth sadly. "I'm sorry but you must be mistaken because THESE ARE MINE!" yelled Jess. Annabeth lunged for the earrings but Jess was faster and kicked her in the gut. Annabeth fell with a sickening crunch. I winced. That must've hurt. "Does anyone ELSE want to mess with me?!" screamed Jess to the people in the cabin who were staring. One kid tried to wake up Annabeth but she was unconscious. I got mad. What monster would do that?! 

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