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Another short chapter

~Tessa's POV~

I stood toward the front of the small crowd on the Quidditch field. I let out a sigh.

What am I doing here?

I looked at Harry who stood next to Ginny. He gave me a thumbs up.

"Alright everybody" Harry said, only to be ignored.

"SHUT IT" Ginny yelled and the crowd immediately silenced

"Thank you Ginny... Now.. we only have three positions open. So... Everyone try their best" he said, "first will be Cormac McLaggen, Ritchie Coote, and Jimmy Peakes for beaters"

The three boys stepped forward and mounted their brooms.

After a good ten minutes, Ritchie and Jimmy were chosen as beaters.

"Next for our chaser position is Tessa Potter, Dean Thomas, and Seamus Finnigan"

"Don't be too sad when you don't get in Tess" Seamus said with a joking smirk

"Funny I was gonna say the same to you Seamus" I teased as we mounted our brooms. He chuckled.

We soared up to eye level with the goal posts.

The quaffle was released and the three of us soared toward it. Dean got it first.

Seamus and I soared after him. He threw it toward the goal post but Seamus caught it mid air and went as fast as he could to the other side of the field, Dean and me trailing him.

He made the first point.

I grabbed the quaffle and raced to the other side of the field. I dodged both boys and made a point.

This went on for thirty minutes until it was Dean and I tied against Seamus. 10-8

Seamus landed, accepting his defeat.

"Alright next point wins" Harry said to us.

"Good luck Tess" Dean said, holding out his hand. I shook it with a smile.

We rose into the air.

I got the quaffle first and soared toward the goal posts.

Dean grabbed the quaffle from me and raced to the other side but I caught up with him.

We both raced toward my side of the field.

Dean reached for the quaffle but in the moment I hurled it to the goal posts.

It bounced off the bottom of the hoop and went in. I cheered.

Dean and I landed. We shook hands again and I went to Harry.

"Good job Tessa. Welcome to the team" Harry said with a grin. I hugged him happily.

Everyone left the field as I looked around. It was then that I noticed him.

Draco sat in the stands. I suppose he wanted to watch try outs. I met his eyes and he clapped a little.

I made out a small smile then quickly left the field.

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