Ch 4

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I was scared when I seen JK crying, so I pulled him down & asked him, what had happened to him?
But V.... thought tat I was abt 2 kiss him (JK) So he was peeping Jk caught my hand gently & removed it off his shirt & said he was sry & ran out of d room.
Suga & V followed him. He sat on d bench outside d room & was crying so much I cud hear him.
I asked Jin what made him cry so much?
He didnt answer. Then I theretened him tat I'll remove d saline drip & jump frm d terrace. He got scared & immediately told me tat JK was crying bcoz when I went upon d stage, he thought how rude of her to interrupt d performance, & when I stood in front of him, I actually saved him & tats what made him feel so guilty tat I was shot in d liver & stomach.

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