Chapter Three:Lunch Is Serve

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It was already lunch time and as usual the lunch ladies served us an entree of fine cuisine fit for prison people. But good thing I asked Rosa to pack me some of her home made chicken wrap. Lola and I took our usual seats in the cafeteria, but as we were making our way to our spot, someone has already welcomed themself or rather himself to our table. It was Jeremy.

"Hey, dude this is our table", I said.

Jeremy sneered,"Um, i don't think so. I was here first. So piss off."

"Um, no why don't you. I know you're the new kid and all but someone should've at least told you that this spot right here, where your ass is sitting, is OUR spot", I replied back.

"Yeah, a couple of idiots told me that this was your spot. But the thing is I can't be bothered at all to care what you or anyone thinks. So run along to your little covent of badass chicks and leave me be, all right?" I was speechless. This guy knew exactly how to get on my nerves. I thought about telling him how he's being a dickhead and just go screw himself over, but I didn't say a word.

A few awkward moments later, Lola finally broke the silence,"Tch, whatever dude. Keep the table. I just hope you can actually find friends to sit with you." With that Lola and I walked off to find a new seating area. It wasn't hard because everyone knew me from my reputation and they knew Lola as the follower so obviously people were also afraid of her. We sat a few tables down from where Jeremy was sitting, the freshmens who sat here must've ran off once they saw Lola and me walking over.

"What the hell was that about?", asked Lola.

"I reckon, who does he think he is? You know what, I bet he's just acting all badass so he can get the rep of being just.......", ugh i can't believe I can't even put my hate towards that guy into words.

"What? And no thats not what I meant.", I gave her a puzzled look, "I meant how come you just froze? You didn't even threaten him or anything. Are you feeling okay?" How could I explain to her when I don't even know myself?

"I don't know. I haven't been around people for a while with my house arrest and all." Note, I wasn't really on house arrest, I couldn't be bothered to go outside and socialised, but i did go out sometimes to buy some stuff I might need and what not. I was eating in deep thought, thinking about nothing, absolutely nothing, until Lola interrupted my trance.

"What the hell is he staring at?" Following her gaze, I saw Jeremy staring right at me, as though he was ready.....ready for what I wonder. He was just looking, hell he didn't even blink. Feeling stupid that I looked, I quickly turned my gaze towards Lola.

"Tch, I don't know, but its freaking------"

"Hey babe!" It was Colin, with his dumb hillbilly football friends, Jack and Bobby. "Where've you been? You haven't called me or anything? What too busy with your guy friends?"

"Piss off will you. Besides, you're the one who didn't call me so why should I call your sorry ass."

"So, you haven't forgiven me yet, huh?" Of course I didn't, but I didn't care either. "Maybe I can change your mind."

With that he cupped my face with his big hands and pushed his lips towards mine. UGh, it wasn't one of those romantic kissing scenes you see in movies or anything, it was like a pig digging its snout in mud. He was french kissing as well, feeling his hands moving down my ass, I quickly pushed him away. I didn't know how much strength I put into that push, but it was enough to put him on the ground. Looking up from ground filled with smushed spaghetti and meat balls, Colin was as surprise as I was. The whole cafeteria filled with laughter, I looked around and everyone was laughing, except for one person, Jeremy. He just sat there shaking his head with disapproval, like I cared....did I? My clouded thoughts gave Colin enough time to stand up and tell the whole cafeteria to shut the eff up.

"We aren't finished love."

"So what, you want your own girlfriend to kick your ass in front of the whole student body?", asked Lola. With that comment, both Jack and Bobby made a silent laugh.

"Shut up!", Colin yelled. "Look, meet me tonight at Tasha's party if you don't we're over."

"Oh is that a threat?" I snarkily asked.

"Just meet me there or we're over.", Colin said, he kissed me again this time he used more french, then walked away.

"Ugh, I need a mint or a drink..anything to get this shit taste out of my mouth." Lola laughed at me.

"So what are you going to do? You still going to Tasha's party?"

"Tch, after that, hell no! I'd rather go to my session with my Doc than make monkey love with that dick." Again, Lola laughed.

"Oh alright, I'll just tell you the shizz of what happens. By the way, you do have to meet up with your Doc don't you?"

"Yeap, I missed a couple and she's been calling my house crazy, telling Rosa that if I don't show up she'll use armed forces to drag me there."

"Bummer." The bell rang. "Well, off to English to learn the beloved arts of Shakespeare, Ugh we're doing a report on Macbeth. Think you can 'persuade' a nerd to do my assignment for me?" I gave her an empty look. "Ookay, I'll See ya."

"Yeah, see ya."

We went our separate ways, but before I left the cafeteria I took one last look at where Jeremy was sitting. He was gone. He probably thought I was a slut or something with Colin all over me. Tch, why did I care what he'd think of me? The guy was a major ass hole. Leaving the cafeteria, I kept telling myself to never look at or think about Jeremy ever again. I might as well avoid the guy. Yeah, avoiding him was the best solution, it was better than making a fool of myself. With that problem solved I went to English without a care in the world.....well before I realised he was in my class.

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