Chapter 14: But it starts to fall apart.

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"Ugh, my head..." The principal grabbed at his head, a pounding sensation pulling at his confused mind. Still holding onto his head, he got up from where he lay, seeing the surroundings around him.

It was rather dim, only lit by several shut window blinds which gave the room's floors a sickly yellow glow. Several desks were scattered about the room, arranged in a way so that they had no pattern. Most of all, there were large pictures of people posted along the walls.

The principal's eyes began to adjust to the dimly lit room, seeing pictures in better detail. His heart began to quicken at the sights. They were people he knew. The picture in front of him was him, in a strange position that appeared to look like he was shouting. There was a picture of a broom next to that which looked like the janitor's broom. The picture next was a robot that looked similar to playtime's friend, first prize. The next was what looked like Bully, then a picture of his adopted daughter, playtime herself.

"What the..." Came the principal's breathy question as he looked at the smiling face staring back at him. She looked different here, as did he.

His eyes drifted to the next picture hesitantly, landing on a sock which immediately brought him to know it was Arts and Crafters. This picture didn't look a lot different to the sock, comparably.

But as his eyes traveled farther, he met eyes with an eerily familiar face. It looked like it had been taken with a really out-of-date camera; the blurry edges along a very round head, a barely noticeable small bunch of hair, how vividly the red color stood out compared to everything slightly scared him.

The room seemed to suddenly become darker, the air creating a heavy thickness to it which make it harder to breath. Things were starting to make sense. This was the school. The one that both of them had seen.

"Here school." The principal breathed, nearly losing all his breath in the process. He couldn't stay there any longer. Quickly, the principal looked for a door and exited that way, feeling a sudden relief to be out of that room. It was clear this was here school. The walls were all too familiar.

Now that he was out of that room, he took in a huge puff of air, regretting it thereafter. Everything smelled of rotten flesh, all hot and sticky and welling up inside of the principal. He suddenly gagged at the putrid stench, covering his nose at the smell forcing its way in.

His eyes went watery for a moment, at which the man wiped away the liquid. He couldn't tell where it was coming from. Until he looked down.

There right below him was what looked like a body, drenched in a thick crimson layer of blood. They were turned face down on the ground, one arm stretched out and holding onto six notebooks all labeled as different school subjects. It was hard to how old they were let alone what gender they were. It was then that the principal noticed an apparent ruler jabbed into the side of their skull, along with a few stab marks along their mangled body.

The sight was horrifying.

"What a sh--;/):-:shame. That child almost had all of them." The principal jumped at the sudden voice and turned to look directly behind him where File stood. The glitchy man didn't look so glitchy anymore. He had a fully fledged face and even arms instead of those floating gloves.

"File." The principal growled, turning defensively. "Who did this? Why are they here?" File smiled devilishly.

"That child used to attend this school. It was the very one you ran." File said. The principal glared.

"That doesn't answer my question."

File laughed. "You know that fiancé of yours who you love sooo so dearly?" The principal felt himself stop a long and convoluted thought process as he immediately came to a straight conclusion as to why this child was here.

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