Chapter 43: Payback.

Start from the beginning

"What do you think we could do with that?" Murr asked.

"Well, the only thing worse than talking with your parents about sex, is talking with your in-laws about having sex with their daughter," I explained.

The guys' eyes widened, signaling that they approved of my idea. Joe barely liked to talk about his sex life around his friends, let alone talking about it with his in-laws.

"Babe, that's amazing. Joe would be so embarrassed. It's perfect,"

"I'm so glad we have her coming up with ideas for Joe, and not me," Murr joked.

The guys seemed to agree that the idea would be completely mortifying for Joe. However, they explained that these types of things take a while to produce, so it would take time for the whole thing to come together. A lot of their show is planned in advance so it can be fit in with their tour schedule and everything else they have going on. It might take a few months, but they seemed confident that they could pull off this punishment eventually.


Although it's normal for Brian to be busy with touring, recently his schedule has been busier than ever. The guys did a two-week tour in the UK, and then almost immediately went on the Impractical Jokers cruise. Then, in just a week, the guys will be performing the biggest show of their careers at Madison Square Garden. It's been such a hectic time for Brian, and I know he's got so much on his mind with all this work. I wanted to do something nice for him, something I had been planning for a while. I just needed to wait for the right time.

Brian and I had been living in our new house for a few months now. We only had to make a few minor changes to the house, like painting some of the walls. All the rooms were completed and fully furnished, with the exception of one room. Brian's "man cave" was just basically a storage room, filled with all his boxes of memorabilia. He didn't even have his TV and video games hooked up yet.

Brian planned on getting the room done himself, but the project was too overwhelming for him to take on, since he was too busy. Brian told me that he could take on that one space, considering that I had decorated all the other rooms in the house. He didn't want to give me any extra work, because he thought that I already had enough on my plate.

Initially, I didn't want to take over because I wanted Brian to have the room that he dreamed of. However, I realized that I would have to push this process along if this dream man cave would become a reality. Brian had told me enough about what he wanted in the room, and I felt confident that I could make it the way he envisioned. Brian had put so much thought and effort into finding the perfect home for us. I felt like I could never fully repay him for that, but at least completing his dream man cave was a start. I wanted him to have his own space where he could relax, and release some of the stress from his hectic life.

Just to be sure I could make this room perfect, I enlisted the help of his friends, Bryan Johnson and Walt Flannigan. Since I didn't know much about comic books and other memorabilia, I got their advice on the best way to handle and display all of Brian's collectibles.

I decided that the end of October was the best time to overhaul Brian's man cave. He would be away for almost two weeks straight, which would give the designers plenty of time to fix the room. Brian would be back from the cruise tomorrow and it seemed like the perfect time to reveal the surprise to him.

Once the room was complete, I sent pictures to Walt and Bryan, just to get their final thoughts on it all. Luckily, they approved of everything, so I was excited for Brian to come home and see it.

When Brian arrived home that morning, he could tell that I had something to share with him. We knew each other too well, so it was difficult for me to hide from him.

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