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"Who is this Renjun?" Renjun's father had just arrived home, and just as he entered the house, he was met with the sight of the three boys cuddled on the couch watching a movie.

Renjun's eyes widened for a second then discreetly pushed the two boys away from him, putting some distance between them.

"My friends that came from Korea to visit." He lied through a polite smile.

"You had friends in Korea? Since when?"

Renjun mentally rolled his eyes," Since summer break father."

"Ah. Introduce me to them will you? I want to know about these fine young men that have befriended my son." His father placed down his shoes near the door and made his way into the living room, sitting himself in a single loveseat.

"This is Jeno and this is Jaemin. They are two out of the other six friends I have made." The male explained, pointing at either males when he mentioned them.

The two boys greeted Renjun's father the best they could in their broken Chinese. His father greeted them back, complementing their decent Chinese.

"How long would they be staying Renjun? Because I want to invite them to your wedding coming up."

Renjun turned to the two quite stiffly as he translated what his father had said.

"We're not quite sure but we'd love to attend Renjun's wedding! I can't wait." Jaemin said, acting all happy-go-lucky. When in reality, he just wanted to kiss Renjun right there, showing his father that his son was already taken.

Renjun could practically feel Jaemin's possessive aura from where he was sitting. Even though Jaemin put up a very convincing act, only Renjun and Jeno weren't fooled by it.

Renjun translated to his father and the man smiled brightly," I'm glad that you two will be attending the wedding. I'll make sure to reserve seats for the two of you at our table."


"I'm sorry, but I really want to neoye bullet bullet bullet your dad's face in. Stan Day6." Jeno said, plopping down onto the elder's bed.

"I know and I'm already a MyDay." Renjun just sighed, sinking into Jaemin's embrace from behind.

Possessive Jaemin, equals a clingy and touchy Jaemin. The pink haired male saw Jeno just laying on the bed next to them and started to pull on his arm.

"What is it Nana?"

"Cuddles." He muttered as Jeno sat himself up, moving himself closer to the two.

Jaemin moved so that he was at Renjun's side and vice vera for Jeno. And Renjun was back in the Nomin cuddle dungeon. Good thing he took a piss before all of this.

Jeno opted for winding his arms around the elder's torso as for Jaemin, he held on tightly to Renjun's waist. The eldest could still remember the first day of summer, where they were playing games to get to know each other.

He remembered how Jaemin was dared to be all flirty with him, and to be honest, he really liked it. He also caught Jeno's gaze on them when it happened. Jeno's eyes were filled with both jealously and longing.

From Renjun's knowledge, only a few of them heard of each other before actually meeting each other in real life. He'd guess Jeno was one of those few.

But right now, Renjun was more than happy in the duo's embrace. It was all he ever wanted, to be in the arms of his lovers. Safe and away from all the negatives and dangers of the world. They were his personal paradise.

When he is with them, it's like all of his problems disappear into thin air.

Whatever happens to him, he's glad that his two knight and shining armors are right by his side. He'd of course do the same for them too.


"A fitting? Already?"

"Yup, I know, unbelievable. So, you boys ready to go?" Mrs.Huang asked, picking up her car keys.

They all replied with nods and filed out of the door with her following behind them. Today, Renjun was schedule to get his tux picked out and fitted.

The only reason Jeno and Jaemin were excited was because they get to see Renjun in a tux, which you bet was gonna be hawt. Either than that, they weren't really joyful.

As Mrs.Huang was driving, she noticed the three boys being oddly silent.

"Y'know, you guys can be as lovey dovey as you want around me. I don't mind." She said, seeing their eyes perk up to her rearview mirror.

Jaemin was the first to speak up,"Really?"

She nodded and almost immediately Jaemin happily placed a quick kiss on both boy's lips on either side of him. He readjusted back in his seat with a content smile on his lips as Mrs.Huang cooed at the interaction.

"It only takes a Na Jaemin and a Lee Jeno to make my boy blush like a madman." She commented, making Renjun immediately whine and hide his face in embarrassment.

"You're right about that Mrs.Huang!" Jeno piped up, his famous eye smile appearing on his features.

The car drive lasted a few more moment until they arrived at a pristine looking boutique. Building wise, it was quite modern and looked way too expensive to even step foot in.

"Holy hell, this place makes Chenle seem poor." Jaemin muttered under his breath, observing the building's features.

"Let's go in boys." Mrs.Huang announced, leading the three into the boutique.

Just as they entered, Jaemin hesitates to step onto the spotless white tiled floors. Jeno noticed and look at the boy weirdly.

"What's wrong Nana?"

"The floors. They're so white, they're brighter than my future." Jaemin said in awe.

Jeno simply chuckled at the latter's cute amazement of the place. His eyes sparkling as he looked curiously at the unfamiliar structures.

"C'mon, Renjun and his mom are waiting for us." Jeno said, holding out his hand for Jaemin to take, which he did gleefully.

They wandered to the front desk where the suspected the mother and son duo to be, but they weren't. A slight panic ran through them as their eyes darted around the place.

"Are you two looking for the Huangs?" The receptionist asked, raising a brow at the two lost boys.

They nodded and the lady pointed to her left,"They're in there with our in-house designer."

The two bowed and muttered a quick thank you in Chinese.

"Honestly, I did not understand a word she said. I'm just hoping we're going the right way." Jaemin confessed, walking towards the area the lady directed them to.


yes, an awaited update!
norenmin tux fitting?

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