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It was late at night for the two boys as they went out into town, just to hang out. Chenle was being Jisung's little personal tour guide as he pointed out his favorite places and taught the boy some basic chinese.

The night market was open and Chenle basically dragged the younger there, buying literally every dish available.

"Lele, I think I'm good. I don't think my stomach can take anymore food." Jisung exclaimed, patting him stomach.

"Hm, okay. Wanna go to the park to walk it off?" Chenle suggested.

"How about we do public dance instead?" Jisung raised a suggestive brow at the elder.

Chenle met Jisung's gaze, his smirk growing.

"What song, Park?"

"Speaking of 'Park' how about Jay Park's 'V'? You know the one million choreo right?"

"You're lucky, I just recently learned that because I was bored." With that, the two found a nice clearing at the market and asked if they could use a vendor's speaker.

The vendor was a nice old man who gladly let them borrow it. The two of them excitedly walked over to their places in a clearing and waited for the song to begin.

Once the song began, they free-styled for a bit before the choreographed part came up. For the small intimate parts of the song, Jisung had took the lead, leaving Chenle in a flustered state.

But the two kept at it, seeing that people started to stop and enjoy the performance. Some were recording the whole thing, while others cheered the two on.

In the end, the ended it with their own pose. With Jisung holding up his hands in a 'V' shape as Chenle placed his head in-between the younger's hands. The two smiled at each other cutely before Jisung came in for a quick peck on the lips.

The crowd cooed at the adorable scene, some girls even fainted I think. Separating from each other, the two bowed and thanked the crowd.

After all of the commotion, they thanked the vendor once again for letting them use his speaker then went on their merry way, fingers interlocked and content smiles.

"You were great out there Lele." Jisung complemented.

"I could say the same for you Ji."


"What are you studying for?" Asked Jisung, peering over the elder's shoulder.

"This stupid Bio review for Chemistry. Apparently, they're testing us on what we already know, but me being the forgetful person I am, forgot almost everything I learned in Bio last year." Chenle let out an aspirated sigh, flipping through his notebook from last year.

"You want me to help?" The younger asked, pulling out the stool near Chenle's desk and setting it right by him, then took a seat.

"No, it's fine Sung. Just go to sleep, it's pretty late already." He insisted.

"You act like I've never stayed up late my whole entire life. C'mon, for every question you get right you get a special prize." Chenle was tempted to give in and know what the special prize, but he cared for the younger's health.

"I just want you to get a good night's sleep before you go back to Korea and start up with school again." Chenle reasoned.

"I'm not going to sleep until you let me help you with at least one unit. Please? With a cherry on top?" There was no point in fighting with the younger so he just gave in.

"Fine. One unit only okay?"


Chenle handed over his notebook to Jisung and the latter took a look at the various notes the elder took. They were a bit messy but you could still understand what they were talking about.

"First up, what's the first step in protein synthesis?" Jisung asked.

"Transcription?" Chenle answered unsurely.

"Correct! Now let me give you a reward."

No matter how many times Jisung kisses Chenle, he'll never get used to the feeling. Every time they kissed, it was like their first kiss all over again. The elder was now more motivated to getting every question correct.

With the prize being Jisung's lips, you bet he's gonna give it all to get all of those questions right.

The night went on with Chenle answering questions correctly left and right, and of course, he received his kisses.

"It's when I offer kisses then you'll be acting like Einstein. I'm so done with you Lele." Jisung sighed, feigning a disappointed look.

"You can't blame me, it's your lips. They're irresistible." Chenle said, making the younger blush madly.

Jisung took note of the time on the clock on Chenle's desk. It was close to 3am.

"Lele, I think we should go to sleep. You still have school tomorrow."

Chenle hummed in agreement, finally noticing how tired he actually was. A yawn escaped the elder's mouth, as Jisung smiles fondly at the sight.

"Just go to bed first Lele, I'll put up your things." If Chenle wasn't as sleepy as he was, he would've declined the offer. But he was too tired to even form proper words.

"Come here." Jisung opened his arms, motioning for the elder male to lean in. He obliged and holding onto Chenle's torso, Jisung picked him up and walked over to his bed.

The younger male placed him down on the bed gently, making sure to tuck his male in. Chenle snuggled into the blanket but started to whine because Jisung wasn't beside him.

"Calm down Lele. Let me put away your things first." Jisung muttered, as he gathered the elder's materials and quickly organized them, then placing them into his bag.

"Hurry up!" Chenle whined, making grabby hands at the younger.

"Geez, who knew you were this clingy when you're sleepy." Jisung remarked, turning off the lights then plopping himself next to the elder male.

Chenle instantly clung himself onto Jisung, wrapping his arms and legs around the boy's body. He nuzzled into the crook of Jisung's neck, taking in the latter's comforting scent.

"You're just like a baby Lele. Cute, cuddly, and yearning for attention."

"I'm older then you, you fetus."

"I don't care, because my Lele will always and forever be my baby." Jisung pulled Chenle closer to him, placing a chaste kiss on the elder's head. "Now go to sleep, you need it."

Chenle just let out a soft hum in response, as he was already halfway asleep anyways.


i know, it's been way too
long since i've updated this
no, it is definitely not
discontinuing oh no.
i've been just having a writer's
block with that book that's
know that i absolutely hate
writer's blocks with a passion
but what can i say?
anyways, updates will be slower
with this book but i'll do
my best to get out chapters
once or twice a week.
hope y'all enjoy the chensung

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